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  • Mercer
    Dec 18, 09:43 AM
    Hear Hear iBlue,

    harmless fun indeed :)

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  • leekohler
    May 3, 11:55 AM
    Just also saw that the conservatives have tried just recently to get equal marriage rights outlawed and oppose abortion. Well, sorry- they aren't that different from our conservatives. They sound almost as bad on that front. They will try to outlaw equal marriage rights again, trust me.

    Hang onto your hats, Canada, you're in for a very bumpy ride.

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  • satelshawn
    Mar 8, 08:59 AM
    Kingdonk, thanks a million for the screenshots. Any idea what version of Samba they have included? That has been a big headache for me with Snow Leopard ever since win7 came out. Cannot bind win7 to the domain because apple are running an old version of samba.

    If you could figure out the samba version that would be awesome, if it is still and old version then I am going to have to either move to Linux or buy a Windows server license for our win7 machines.

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  • Tourist
    Sep 25, 11:33 PM
    Those bots are too dang quick!

    You beat me to it!

    This is a beat up over podcast which apple admit is generic to downloaded audio , but I can see what Apple are concerned about. This company is attempting to register marks in areas that Apple already cover with POD and iPOD,

    Claiming that mypodder sounds like iPOD is probably stretching it a little bit, but hey gotta keep those lawyers in Business, where is Denny Crane when you need him.


    taylor swift enchanted sheet music. Music Sheet Taylor Swift .
  • Music Sheet Taylor Swift .

  • SPUY767
    Oct 27, 06:26 AM
    We all know that this is just Adobe's Revenge for Apple stepping on its e-Toes with items like Final Cut Studio which for all practical purposes smacks down anything that Adobe can muster up, and for Aperature, which is not as good as it could be, but is still in the realm that Adobe used to dominate. On the audio front, I hope that this costs a lot less than Logic Express because if it's not 50% or more cheaper, this horse is dead before it leaves the gate. I mean, Logic is already cheaper than Audition, and for my money, LE does a bit more than Audition (granted I don't come even close to using the full capabilities of LE).

    So maybe Soundbooth is just here to compete with Soundtrack, which is kind of dumb, as no one will be using Soundbooth on a Mac since soundbooth will not integrate with FCS the way that Soundtrack does. The more I write about it, the dumber releasing this app for the Mac sounds. I mean. . . Adobe dropped Premiere for the mac because FCP smoked it, but now they want to release an audio app for mac that probably only has a place in a Premiere workflow. Hell, maybe this is just a SoundEdit Deck 16 II!? WTF!? I'm leaving.

    taylor swift enchanted sheet music. See and download Taylor Swift
  • See and download Taylor Swift

  • Full of Win
    Feb 18, 04:44 PM
    Very skillful in how Jobs face and legs are hidden. Im beginning to think the newspapers are right about his condition.

    Also, pretty tasteless to dress the way he does. I'm not a fan of Obama, but if I were to meet him and sit next to him for dinner, I would respect the office enough not no dress in freakin' turtle neck.

    Jobs has ZERO class, none.


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  • Taylor Swift Sheet Music Piano

  • Frisco
    Sep 26, 07:48 AM
    CBS is now using the term NetCast (http://www.cbs.com/netcast/)

    Goodbye free advertising for the iPod!

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  • Phil A.
    Feb 24, 06:23 AM
    I'm in two minds here: Firstly, I completely agree that parents should be responsible for their kids, and I don't feel that Apple are in any way culpable for this.

    However, I do feel that some of the games publishers are acting in a particularly scummy way and are exploiting this "loophole" to make money from people who are failing to monitor their kids properly.

    I was particularly surprised to see a respectable company such as Capcom involved with this shady business - having in-app purchases of up to �60 in a free game is exploitative and leaves a bad taste in the mouth


    taylor swift enchanted sheet music. +sheet+music+taylor+swift
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  • str1f3
    Dec 28, 05:53 PM
    Nor does it stop people from letting their fingers fly on the keyboard before they know all the facts. :rolleyes:

    LOL, yeah facts�Like you saying The Consumerist was lying for web hits even though AT&T brought out the girl to recant her statement. Or you coming up figures that say 1.2% of all NYers are subject to credit theft and assuming half were so thieves could buy iPhones. Or summizing that this was the real problem only for AT&T to change their policy a day later. LOL, yeah facts�

    taylor swift enchanted sheet music. Taylor Swift - Enchanted
  • Taylor Swift - Enchanted

  • ppdix
    Apr 5, 08:58 AM
    The iPhone 4 was and still is the best


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  • +sheet+music+taylor+swift

  • wpotere
    Apr 12, 01:06 PM
    WTF? Why does the MS Office updater force me to quit chrome ????

    Probably a shared library or plugin that is being updated.

    taylor swift enchanted sheet music. +sheet+music+taylor+swift
  • +sheet+music+taylor+swift

  • Knox
    Jan 15, 03:33 AM
    http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=4753939 for IRC info :)


    taylor swift enchanted sheet music. Taylor Swift Sheet Music Back
  • Taylor Swift Sheet Music Back

  • OneMike
    Jan 4, 10:43 AM
    Garmin, a little late to the game aren't we?

    Late yes, but I think it's not about who gets in first but who does it best. That said. I don't see how over the airs maps can be considered best.

    taylor swift enchanted sheet music. Taylor Swift - Enchanted SHEET
  • Taylor Swift - Enchanted SHEET

  • inkhead
    Sep 1, 01:31 PM
    When the hell is Apple going to seed leopard to us select developers? Also an update of the WWDC videos would be nice. It sucks when you get hospitalized and can't recover in TIME to go to WWDC.

    The least Apple could do is treat developers who are excited and PAY for select accounts (myself included) with a little respect and post some of the leopard stuff. geeze.

    If you are an Apple developer unable to leave your country or travel to the united states and physically attend the conference in San Francisco you are pretty much screwed.

    It annoys me that I pay for this treatment, yet Microsoft is more than happy to release all kinds of pre beta stuff to me just for signing up as a developer.

    Apple TAKE CARE of your paying developers. Geeze.


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  • Taylor Swift – Enchanted (Free

  • deefnasty
    Apr 13, 07:50 AM
    Just checked into an Apple Store in Salem, NH - they have high end Verizon iPad 2 and they have had them regularly. Asians have been scooping up the stores other versions each morning in cash sales (or purchasing mall gift cards and Apple gift cards).

    They said consumer demand is much greater for AT&T (GSM) iPad 2 than Verizon.

    I'll wait for my wifi iPad 2 to arrive in the mail sometime next week.

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  • Enchanted Piano Sheet Music

  • ctsport1234
    Oct 28, 04:51 AM
    the new interface looks great! its about time apple! ;)


    taylor swift enchanted sheet music. quot;Never Grow Upquot; - Taylor Swift
  • quot;Never Grow Upquot; - Taylor Swift

  • iGary
    Sep 13, 07:12 AM
    So I am having my first surgical procedures in *looks at widget* 16 days, and the thing that scares me the most is the general anesthesia...

    I've looked at sites about it, but they don't walk through the whole procedures and what you feel like after etc...

    Is it all IV? Gas?

    What do you feel like when you come to?


    taylor swift enchanted sheet music. #7: Taylor Swift - Speak Now
  • #7: Taylor Swift - Speak Now

  • TheSideshow
    May 5, 04:25 PM
    Unless Microsoft is selling me Atari Jaguars they shouldn't tell me to "Do the Math".

    They "asked".

    taylor swift enchanted sheet music. Taylor Swift Enchanted Album.
  • Taylor Swift Enchanted Album.

  • teleromeo
    Nov 14, 03:20 PM
    A cheap trick that solves many problems is to replace the backup battery.

    Sep 15, 11:21 AM
    Originally posted by MisterMe

    I have not seen those posts, but then I have seen a lot of other bitching and moaning about one thing or another. Point No. 1: Although I don't have access to a 17" iMac, I do have Jaguar installed on my 2000 Firewire PowerBook G3. I don't see any of that choppiness and jerkiness that you mentioned. I would be astonished to find it on a faster machine like the 17" iMac. Point No. 2: Don't take anybody's word for it. Drive down to your nearest Apple retailer. Look at the machines yourself. That should end all arguments.

    I have a recent ibook running jaguar - it has had a clean install (twice) and, quite frankly, its annoyingly slow. This is a current mac, running its current os, and its hardly acceptable - running illustrator? expect the beach ball, the same with large word documents. And I still see the beachball with annoying frequency in the finder. I don't care that this isnt the top of the range 3,000 quid machine - it is stupid to only expect acceptable performance in Word on the top of the line machine. No, don't take my word for it, go have a look at a fully loaded i-book

    Again, have your actually seen this "choppiness" on that $2000 machine with the brand new OS? Now for the issue of MHz, browse the web sites of the expensive UNIX workstations and servers. Look at the clock speeds of the offerings from IBM, HP, SGI, and Sun. For the most part, you will see that their machines have clock speeds in the sub-GHz range. Yet these are the machines of choice when price is no object and the job must get done. Just think about this: these boards are filled with laments that effectively tell you that you need substaintially higher clock speeds to run a computer game than you need to simulate the gas flow in a jet engine. Don't you think that something is just a bit warped here?

    these machines are 64-bit, with floating point performance that widdles all over apples current offerings. The reason they are used is for this feature alone - and yepI would rather run my simulations on a sparc box than a pc, although the cost of a cheap linux box is pushing us down that route. At some point there is a balance between cost and performance. Yes it is odd that I need the fastest box around to run ut2k3 acceptably, and i agree there is something wrong with the way the market is being driven, but I suppose if thats what customers want (and are prepared to pay for), this is what they'll get....

    Think. Think. Think. Apple does not "appear" to be purposesly crippling its systems. The entirity of the corporation orbits about the Macintosh. No company would purposely cripple its central product. The fact that Apple is only one of two profitable personal computer manufacturers serve as loud testimony to the contrary. Just because a bunch of idle college students post things on the Internet does not make them so.

    never intentionally 'crippled' a machine? what about teh video card on teh ibook?

    Mar 11, 09:30 PM
    Anybody remember when WalMart advertised that the products they sold were "Made in the USA"? Sad time my friends, sad times.

    Funny story on that.

    The small town where I grew up had a Western Auto store. It was the place to buy all kind's of stuff, including bicycles. My family was friends with the family that owned the store, I heard this tale from the father.

    After WalMart opened in our town, sales at the Western Auto slowed. The guy went down to WalMart to check out what they were doing. He found the same brand of bike he was selling, being retailed at 1-2% more than was paying for them. The next time the bike manufacturers rep came by, he asked him about this.

    "Well", the sales rep said, "volume discount this, economies of scale that, efficiency the other".

    "But my families store has been supporting your brand for 40 years, where's the loyalty?", or words to that effect.

    "Well, times change", was the answer.

    A year goes by, and the bike manufacturer rep is back at the WA, where he sees a good assortment his brands bike, including new models just released the previous month. He goes to the store owner and asks him "Where did you get these new bikes? You haven't place an order with us in 8 months"

    "I bought them at WalMart".

    "Why would you do that? You can get them cheaper by buying them direct"

    "Not a lot cheaper I couldn't. And I figure either WalMart is selling them for no profit, or you are. So by buying them at WalMart, I'm *********g one of you sons of bitches, and that makes me happy!"

    Moral of the story? The bike manufacturer moved their production facilities over seas. The Western Auto is now a Beef O'Brady's.

    At one point "Made in the USA" was a sweat shop on Saipan. I remember reading of cases where Walmart pressured manufacturers to move their operation overseas. They would offer the manufacturer a price on their product they (the manufacturer) could not make a profit on. When told so, Walmart told them, "just make it in China". So much for loyalty, loyalty to profits that is.

    Dec 28, 02:05 PM
    But...But what about the frauds and ID thefts? :rolleyes:

    Seriously, who really cares about this?

    Mar 28, 08:16 AM
    What are the chances of iPhone 5 going on sale the same week or the week after? :o

    Apr 8, 05:45 PM
    Interestingly, Paul Ryan's proposal decidedly does NOT include any legislation forcing private payers to insure elderly people at reasonable rates. Talk about death panels.......... what most of these morons in the Tea Party don't realize is that the net effect of the Ryan plan is that the vast majority of elderly people will simply NOT have insurance because either they can't afford it or no private payer will take them, which translates into no access to healthcare especially if they have their way with medicaid. Congratulations USA, you are about the reduce your average life expectancy to that of Russia, but hey, it will fix social security because there will be no one left alive to receive retirement benefits.............

    The argument is using Tax Dollars to pay for the abortions as it is forbidden by Federal Law for Planned Parenthood to use the funding in that way...of course they have found ways around it, which is the cause for concern..Me personally, I am on the fence on the entire issue as I am not a woman. That stated, I don't believe abortions should be used as a birth control device either....

    If the laughably few moronic women who indeed believe this to be a form of birth control do not procreate because of it, I am happy for the genepool. No harm done I say. You people do realize that every abortion has a significant risk of causing infertility and other complications, right? And these risk compound with every procedure....... I'd like to actually meet a woman that thinks this is a good way of contraception... just saying...........

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