musical tattoo

musical tattoo. musical tattoo.
  • musical tattoo.

  • Knowimagination
    Mar 10, 05:46 PM
    No one has mentioned the Apple store in Fort Worth... could mean good things for me! I plan on scoping it out around noon... stocked with school work and snacks!

    I will be at the Fort Worth store too im not expecting a crowd

    Man now I am torn, I was going to just get it at Best Buy but it looks like they won't let me and I am about 30 miles from both the knox st. store and the ft worth store, decisions decisions.

    musical tattoo. Musical notes tattoo on the
  • Musical notes tattoo on the

  • mrcammy
    Nov 11, 03:01 PM
    Just wondering how Japan perceives Apple as a company - if anyone knows. I know they don't like Microsoft (as in Xbox). I can't imagine they sell many Apple computers over there. Ipods a different story?

    musical tattoo. Music Tattoo | Category:
  • Music Tattoo | Category:

  • John Dillinger
    Dec 2, 01:50 PM
    Lol the majority of comments on this story... Jealous!!!

    This dude showed fantastic initiative!

    And i'd say his markup is more near 50% than 10-15%.

    A friend of mine actually does iPhone 4 repairs (on the blacks)- as Apple doesnt cover dropping and shattering your phone- and i believe the units, which are expensive as one cannot just replace the glass but also the LCD + digitizer on ip4, cost him around $100 and he fits them within up to half an hour for 200$.

    Depending on how you react to the price you may get a 'discount' of 20%.

    9/10 dont care just want their baby back lol:apple::D

    musical tattoo. music quote tattoos
  • music quote tattoos

  • Dave Braine
    Apr 30, 03:34 PM
    No matter what the quality/resolution of the source video, a dvd will not match it:

    Don't know about you audio problem, I suggest you just go through your project and reset the volume levels.


    musical tattoo. Music tattoos Tattoos?
  • Music tattoos Tattoos?

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 25, 10:16 AM
    sounds like some good stuff, ilife integration. and other integration to make Aperture more Mac integrated than just as a stand alone application. Good stuff

    I wish they'd update the laptops!

    hell Yeah!! new MBP please

    musical tattoo. musical elbow tattoo
  • musical elbow tattoo

  • Rajj
    Sep 14, 11:03 AM
    Get Jaguar, and all your problems will be resolved!!;)


    musical tattoo. musical tattoo designs.
  • musical tattoo designs.

  • floatingspirit
    May 8, 01:45 PM
    Mine downloaded and installed perfectly, but when I launch the display is all f-ed up and I can't operate any of the UI except typing my account name and using the "Quit" and "Manage Account" buttons. This seems to be a total bust on my old system...

    It's using 110% of my CPU while the finder is using 70% of CPU according to the Activity Monitor. How is that even possible? LOL

    musical tattoo. with music tattoos.
  • with music tattoos.

  • toneloco2881
    Nov 2, 10:12 AM
    I'm convinced that these numbers are not directly attributable to just prior Mac owners now upgrading. For instance, at my sisters Law school last year she was one of about 200 students that were owners of Apple computers. This year, since the Intel switch she has told me there are now at least 30, with new people asking everyday about the advantages of the Mac. The fact that Macs can now run windows programs, which continues to be a necessary evil, is allowing people who would have never otherwise, to purchase a Mac.

    I'm also seeing a great deal more at my local libraries, starbucks, etc. Mac market share is definitely on the rise! As a brief aside, my sister has told me everyone who now owns a Mac at her school has become experts, and looks at persons using PC's as uninformed lemmings, as if that wasn't them just a year ago haha. This is a little bittersweet b/c she and myself appreciated being part of the niche group of enlightened ones, yet wish Apple much success.:)


    musical tattoo. The first type of music tattoo
  • The first type of music tattoo

  • nylonsteel
    Mar 25, 05:28 PM
    Random thoughts
    1) only the lawyers will win
    2) Kodak wanting a bite out of aapl cash - what is it now at - 50 something billion

    musical tattoo. music note tattoos As
  • music note tattoos As

  • Mac-Addict
    Oct 26, 05:14 PM
    Just got back from Regents! Scored a t-shirt and got Leopard. I feel bad for the people who didn't realise you could go upstairs and check out.

    Thats what happened to me and Spanky Deluxe! Lol we got in the store and was getting screamed at by the apple staff who were blocking the way to the bottem back of the store so we thought we had to go upstairs :D It was a fun experience!


    musical tattoo. have a musical tattoo.
  • have a musical tattoo.

  • brownpaw
    May 2, 09:13 PM
    For those wondering, you can get a beta key if you preorder the game. You get a key immediately if you preorder in person at Gamestop, and I know that Amazon does it online but it may take a few days for them to email it to you. I went and preordered yesterday and got in on it.

    My brand new 13" MBP with the 320m runs things pretty well, though I think the screen is a bit small for an RTS. At times I had problems telling the units apart unless I zoomed in pretty close, but at that point you're not exactly poised for a quick response to anything. Going to try it on my desktop later with a 22" screen.

    musical tattoo. Music Tattoos and Tattoo
  • Music Tattoos and Tattoo

  • cmaier
    Apr 13, 11:07 PM
    She probably left this place. Why would anyone want to do business here when all people do is trash Microsoft.

    That's not all people do. They spend just as much effort trashing Apple.


    musical tattoo. music notes tattoo. musicales
  • music notes tattoo. musicales

  • tmofee
    Dec 28, 05:05 AM
    it's a bit cliche that song now. but i do love rage against the machine. that whole album is a work of art. one of the few albums I can listen to all the way through without skipping a track...

    OT, i hope the band get together for a whole album again. be interesting to see how different the music would sound now these days. i dont think tom & the rest of the band have developed much (audioslave) but zac's work (what little he has done) since rage has been interesting...

    musical tattoo. music note tattoo, notas
  • music note tattoo, notas

  • MorphingDragon
    Mar 27, 03:48 AM
    Im no expert on body language, but him leaning back suggests hes relaxed. Him having his legs crossed means hes talking about something serious. His hands suggest hes asking a question or offering something.

    Is he smiling in the picture?


    musical tattoo. Musical_notes_tattoo_arm.jpg
  • Musical_notes_tattoo_arm.jpg

  • Duff-Man
    Jan 29, 08:16 PM
    Duff-Man says....this comes up in here time and time again. The disks and OS that shipped with your G5 are for *that* computer only. OS X is a *single computer* license - having a copy with your G5 does not give you the right to install on any other computer you may have around. A quick look at your license agreement will tell you that.

    If you want 10.3 on that machine you have to buy a copy - those "proof of purchase" are meaningless. The only discount you may get is if you are entitled to educational prices.

    Now, having said all that....what you may want to do is just wait until 10.4 comes out and then purchase a "Family Pack" license - for not much more than a single copy you are entitled to install on up to 5 computers in the same houisehold (non-commercial use only)...have a look at Apple's website for more details......oh yeah!

    musical tattoo. Music Note Tattoo Designs.
  • Music Note Tattoo Designs.

  • Adam-
    Apr 5, 11:37 AM
    Turn down the brightness. The HTC Touch pro could dim the leds. It used a capacitive bottom panel with buttons underneath, similar to the way that the Magic trackpads work. Maybe the whole bezel would be capacitive and the bottom portion would have an indent and a button, where you only go home with a firm press on the panel, and the home button lights up when you run your fingers over it?

    Yeah i suppose so. It would be be cool, though its like the clicking when you type on a iPhone, its great when you first get one because its so 'iPhone' but after a text or two it goes off and never comes back on


    musical tattoo. musical tattoo designs.
  • musical tattoo designs.

  • djdole
    Apr 16, 04:38 PM
    He should give a big SCREW YOU to Apple and make a WinMo, Win7, Android and Pre apps.
    Maybe with enough bad publicity Apple won't be such a dick to developers.

    musical tattoo. Music Tattoo Designs
  • Music Tattoo Designs

  • corbijnal
    Jan 4, 10:06 AM
    I used to have a Garmin Nuvi but I won't be going anywhere near this!

    I'd say your 500MB data allowance on O2 would be churned up in no time.

    What's the problem with downloading the maps? TomTom takes up about 2-3GB on my 32GB iPhone... big deal!

    musical tattoo. Tattoos of the Eighth Note
  • Tattoos of the Eighth Note

  • imahawki
    May 5, 03:47 PM
    I got news for you. Anti-virus doesn't prevent you from getting a virus. I've cleaned up 3 Windows PCs in the last 3 months with viruses and browser hijacks. ALL 3 were running Microsoft Security Essentials. The virus tax isn't about spending $30 for AV software, its about the maddening frustration of pop-ups and redirected searches and hacked hosts files etc.

    Jun 13, 06:19 PM
    If you are on the Connect to iTunes screen, your only choice is to restore.

    Apr 19, 09:57 AM
    Whether it ships or not, I hope it’s real and not just an OS hack. I’d like Apple to keep playing with different multitasking UIs. The current version is nice, and those iPad developer gestures are awesome, but it’s worth experimenting to find the best method.

    The Expos� thing is neat, but needs app icons added to the windows.

    I like the new(?) folders—looks like they’d fit 3 icons across, to better match what you see in the folder icons! Hope they keep that system. Or something with 3 across. (Or, if nothing else, have 4 across but show the top-left 3x3 set in the icon.)

    Anyone notice the lip around the edge on the front and back? Maybe will help avoid scratches when dragged on a flat surface.

    Maybe that’s just how it looks in white, with that lighting? The glass may not be inset any more than the existing version—which has black plastic lip in the same place (flush with the glass).

    Oct 12, 04:26 PM
    Im not so sure they are switching. hard to say. maybe foxconn will make 1 model, maybe they will share manufacturing responsibility with another manufacturer.

    my bet is they have several different manufacturers. with macbook split up between 2-3 builders. and just 1 making MBP.

    Doctor Q
    Mar 23, 08:36 PM
    Apple hasn't dipped its toe in the ruggedized computer business, has it? That's bound to be one aspect of army interest.

    But perhaps computing devices that survive going to school with students should already be considered ruggedized.

    Apr 7, 06:57 PM
    The fact that congress cannot construct a budget is simply a failure of them to perform their duties. Part of the reason is that the motivation to avoid a shutdown isn't great enough, thus I propose a two-fold solution to motivate them a little

    1) Congress persons do not get paid during the shutdown. Perhaps if they were to not get paid they would be more motivated.

    2) In the event of a shutdown all members of congress immediately become ineligible to run for re-election for their current position and ineligible to run in any other federal election. Since a shutdown means they've failed, they shouldn't be allowed to continue.

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