morrissey smiths

morrissey smiths. morrissey sl011709 Keep The
  • morrissey sl011709 Keep The

  • samh004
    Nov 14, 10:24 AM
    "Mummy, why is that man watching those naked people doing things to each other." :p

    It will happen.

    That's true, it will, and so I wonder what will be done about it when it does happen. Can airline staff confiscate your iPod till the end of the flight, will an air marshall urge you to choose something more appropriate ?

    Well, the only airline I remember which had seat-back displays for all passengers was WestJet.

    Sweet, I just booked a flight with them for an upcoming trip to Canada, it's good to know they were a good choice.

    Most airlines that fly trans-atlantic and pacific have individual displays for everybody. In coach, most of them play the same movies and series over and over, but in business/first, most of the time you can choose what to watch, and even pause/stop the movies.

    AVOD (Audio Video On Demand) is becoming increasingly popular on international airlines, however normally only in first and business as you point out.

    Hopefully iPod integration will be incorporated throughout all the classes in the airlines which employ it, that way everyone will have their own AVOD for stuff they own. I see no reason to lock out more than half the passengers, when it could drive sales, touting it as a feature on that airline as oppose to another airline - without paying a premium for a higher class.

    I wonder if British Airways and Qantas wil offer this. After all it's one up on Zune.

    And most importantly for me, Cathay Pacific, who are partners with both of them... and I much prefer Cathay to Qantas.

    Anyway, I fly a mixture of KLM / Northwest Airlines, Continental or British Airways, it would be pretty cool, though most of the time I use my ipod whilst sat in the lounge then when on board I watch their movies, they offer like 6 of them and some good comedy channels.

    Generally airlines offer movies showing in the cinema at the time, your getting a movie ticket, or a few, included as a bonus with your travel, sometimes that will beat out movies stored on your Ipod that you can see at any time.

    I know it would for me.

    morrissey smiths. Re: morrissey/smiths tshirts
  • Re: morrissey/smiths tshirts

  • jonnysods
    Apr 14, 09:51 PM
    What do you reckon these guys get paid?

    morrissey smiths. Morrissey
  • Morrissey

  • Michael73
    Apr 26, 08:47 AM
    Apple consistently touts how recyclable the machines it makes are and often talks about other green aspects of the company. It wouldn't surprise me if Lion is offered at a discount through the App Store and then a small premium on physical dvd media. Not only are USB sticks still more expensive than a dvd, but probably not as environmentally friendly to manufacture and package.

    morrissey smiths. Morrissey/Smiths buy
  • Morrissey/Smiths buy

  • Detektiv-Pinky
    Apr 12, 02:51 PM
    Hhm, I still see this bug, that applying a custom design in Powerpoint does not change the font of the presentation to the font of the design-template.

    Very annoying!


    morrissey smiths. Morrissey [left] Lead singer
  • Morrissey [left] Lead singer

  • twoodcc
    May 14, 07:20 PM
    I must say it has been fun watching the stats, accumulating points and moving up the chart. The only thing at the moment i have running is the GPU system tray client which seems to be doing pretty well by itself. Oh and by the way i will catch you one day DeSnousa.

    glad you're having fun! and hopefully you'll add more systems soon!

    Ahh stuff it I will spend roughly 900-1100 US dollars, so if you had that kind of money what would you get, don't need a screen, nor Windows 7. I appreciate your thought and help.

    ok, if you can spend about $1,100 US dollars then i'd go for an i7 930 system. that way it's plenty upgradeable and depending on the motherboard, you can add GPUs later.

    do you plan to build yourself?

    morrissey smiths. Morrissey turned down $75
  • Morrissey turned down $75

  • Oppressed
    Apr 25, 11:53 AM
    I'd like this:
    ... in an MBA form factor.

    Yes I agree, because having that function in a MBP like in that video raises the question if its worth sacrificing the portability of the air for.


    morrissey smiths. Smiths and Morrissey
  • Smiths and Morrissey

  • bobringer
    Apr 15, 08:19 AM
    This lot on these boards are amazing. Incredible what this place has devolved into.

    If you people were all here 14 years ago, I guess you would have TORN INTO Apple for hiring Tim Cook from the "beige" PC maker?

    morrissey smiths. Morrissey wearethesmiths
  • Morrissey wearethesmiths

  • zacman
    Nov 9, 06:47 AM
    RFID is insecure. The british RFID passports have been cracked within less than 48 hours, the German test ones in less than a day. I wouldn't trust RFID for any important and sensible information like payment services. It's fine for stuff like tracking packages or my skiing card - but that's it.


    morrissey smiths. The Smiths, Morrissey, Johnny
  • The Smiths, Morrissey, Johnny

  • SteveRichardson
    Aug 14, 02:43 PM
    I disagree totally. People buy superiority. Thats what a good portion of the population wants. Thats why peop;le buy designer clothes. Thats why people buy fancy cars. Thats why people buy expensive jewelery. Thats why people stay at 5 star hotels. People want to feel like they are better than everyone else or they've made better choices.

    Not everyone of course. But there are alot.

    Porsche never created a commercial with a dude representing a Porsche telling a dude representing a Hyundai that all Porsche vehicles are superior to Hyundai vehicles.

    Yves Saint Laurent never created a commercial with a dude representing Yves Saint Laurent telling a dude representing clothing sold at Wal Mart that all Yves Saint Laurent clothing is superior to Wal Mart's clothing.

    The Four Seasons Hotel never created a commercial with a dude representing The Four Seasons telling a dude representing Days Inn that The Four Seasons Hotel is superior to the Days Inn.

    All of these "top-of-the-line" companies create advertisements showing their products in the best light possible, without resorting to childish arguments of who's better.

    morrissey smiths. Re: Your latest Morrissey/Smiths buy
  • Re: Your latest Morrissey/Smiths buy

  • cfitz7111
    Mar 25, 08:45 AM
    I called my local verizon store. girl told me she would only sell an original ipad bundled with their mifi. Forget it.

    They tried to sell the mifi to me as well, along with cases, keyboard, etc. I just told them I was going to tether, and got, "well you know you have to pay for that." They funny thing is that I have an AT&T iphone, so why would she care.

    Verizon clearly lists the price of the unit without the mifi, so the girl was trying to strong arm you into something to help her sales.


    morrissey smiths. morrissey smiths
  • morrissey smiths

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 15, 10:03 PM
    I'd like to help. I think my PS3 can do Folding.

    you most certainly can fold with a ps3 go here to get the client software (

    morrissey smiths. The Smith#39;s / Morrissey
  • The Smith#39;s / Morrissey

  • Sydde
    May 4, 03:57 PM
    Stop projecting the problems that you have with the US political system onto the Canadian one... It seems to me that you are only happy if the people/parties that you like are winning...I did not like it when the Liberals had a majority... Part of the problem that I see with both the NDP and Liberals is that they are too concerned with special interests rather than ordinary Canadians. They pay lip service about being for the common man...
    The problems with the Canadian system are not fundamentally different from the US system. I have a congressional representative who is a decent sort of guy, but he is in the wrong party. He mostly votes the party line because he has to to get re-elected. The system in Canada is a little different, but not significantly.

    As long as I have to live with having a representative who does not represent me, the system is broken. As long as there are winners and losers, the system is broken. This holds for the GWN as well as the temperate-ish south. Until I have an effective voice in government, government is messed up. If you are totally pissed off by what the liberals are doing and have no recourse but to wait it out, the system is broken.

    The Canadian system is marginally better than the US system, but until we address the fundamental flaws of "representative democracy", until everyone has a real voice in government, until there are no winners, both systems will still be broken.


    morrissey smiths. Morrissey / Smiths in the
  • Morrissey / Smiths in the

  • netdog
    Oct 27, 01:45 AM
    First of all, it isn't $99 unless you insist on paying full price.
    Secondly, it is worth every cent. So much more than email, and fantastic for those who own more than one Mac.

    morrissey smiths. Smiths Demos CD New Rare OOP
  • Smiths Demos CD New Rare OOP

  • JAT
    Apr 5, 10:09 AM
    Thank you so much for that interesting and insightful comment. You really added to the discussion.

    I can help. You weren't sure if posting copyrighted information here is "allowed". It is illegal in most countries, certainly in the USA, where both MR and CR are located. So, no....not allowed, either.

    And to explain cvaldes comment...If you are going to be posting information on the net, you maybe should look up and know a few laws about such things.


    morrissey smiths. Dead book Morrissey Smiths
  • Dead book Morrissey Smiths

  • steviem
    Mar 27, 08:46 AM
    Do you not have Road Tax on your cars?

    To use a car in the UK, (unless it's a classic car made before 1972 I think), you have to keep it taxed. It's �105/6 months for my car, which has a 2litre engine.

    morrissey smiths. Looking for MORRISSEY SMITHS
  • Looking for MORRISSEY SMITHS

  • 3lionsbecks
    Aug 19, 03:15 PM
    If you don't like it then just make sure you customize the privacy features in your account info.

    I suggest this because your friends can 'tag' you in at a location even if you aren't there.

    ie - pretend that you are at a stripclub and send it out to everyone......believe me, some people's friends will do stuff like this as a joke....and some will do it out of spite.

    Could make for some funny encounters.....HS kids are going to get a huge kick out of this...


    morrissey smiths. Morrissey covers The Smiths on
  • Morrissey covers The Smiths on

  • jhatz
    Apr 17, 11:41 AM
    I used to clean my Black MacBook with Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. It would have scratches that seemed would not come out with light soap and a rag but immediately lifted out with the magic eraser. That was a plastic case however, I'm not sure how it works on the aluminum unibody style.

    morrissey smiths. Tags: morrissey , smiths
  • Tags: morrissey , smiths

  • MACloop
    Apr 5, 09:35 AM
    I do some download in my app where some of the data are images. In my app I save this data and create uiimages object where needed. Everything works fine so far. My problem is:
    I have a custom tableViewCell class and in this class I have a UIImageView defined. No matter which size I set to this Uiimageview, the image put into it gets the height of the tablecell. I have tried to change the viewMode for the cell uiimageview content but without any luck so far. What can I do to actually get the images to be displayed with the size of the uiimageview it is added into...?

    The images is created like this:
    NSFileManager *fileManager = [[NSFileManager alloc]init];
    UIImage *imgToUse = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:[fileManager contentsAtPath:[dict objectForKey:@"data_path"]]];
    [fileManager release];

    After this the images is saved into a dictionary and in the table delegate method - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)t cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    the image is added to the imageView, like this:
    cell.imageView.image = [[self.imageDict objectForKey:@"some key here"];

    Any Ideas? I do not understand why the cell height controls the image height? What am I doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance!

    morrissey smiths. Morrissey (Smiths)
  • Morrissey (Smiths)

  • iSee
    Apr 5, 06:10 PM
    As a true believer and a life-long Consumer Reports subscriber (been paying myself since I got my first real job > 20 years ago and before that I read my mother's magazines), I say this:

    CR is "at best mediocre" at evaluating tech. They are like a bunch of really sharp grandpas and grandmas: on traditional things -- things they understand well -- they are superb -- unbeatable, really. Ignore their advice on cars or vacuums at your own risk. You might as well burn money. But they just don't get new technology and don't know how to evaluate it.

    I happen to agree with them this time around, but believe me, it is purely coincidental. Just ignore CU when it comes to tech.

    Apr 12, 01:05 PM
    No matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd.

    Have you actually used it or are you just talking crap? The new version is actually really good and in my opinion BETTER than Apples product.

    Aug 19, 10:40 AM
    I saw a story on the news recently where someone accepted a friendship request from someone they went to high school with and were friends with in high school. I guess they didn't know this person as well as they thought. They were actually being watched and monitored for the best times to break into their home. I know this an unusual circumstance but it definitely proves that you can't be too careful.

    like I said...if you didnt read.. PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND SEE ON A NORMAL BASIS...not some friend from school 10 years ago..

    Please you guys know who your REAL friends are...

    for people like ME.. this feature is genius for finding my CLOSE friends and family.

    Mar 13, 04:13 PM
    Set your phone & computer's time zone to Arizona time, and sync again. Does that help?

    FWIW, my phone was set to Arizona time.

    Mar 24, 03:32 PM
    None of the stores around me (10+ stores) have the 16gb in stock. Any of you considering the 32GB for $399?

    Thinking about it, but its $50 more than I can get my wife to spend over the $349 refurb 16gig from

    Mar 24, 05:40 PM
    Only until the remaining stock of Gen 1's sell out, then things should get better. I have a 64GB 3G Gen 1 and a 64GB 3G Gen 2 and I still think the original model is perfectly fine.

    Actually... I think the price for iPad 1st gen has already been this low. If you wanted to sell, you should always sell right before Apple upgrades. That way, you get the most bang for your buck upgrading and the most buck for your bang selling.

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