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  • NewGenAdam
    Apr 12, 02:56 PM
    Of course it is unacceptable, and for this reason it is already illegal. ;)


    but where to draw the line...

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  • angry mad baby abies upset

  • dudeofswim
    Apr 28, 02:29 PM
    What would I like to see in the next gen MBA?
    First it has to be shipped via royal unicorns and delivered by the Jobs himself?

    Jeez. Just enjoy the thing you already bought. No use contemplating whats next. But ... a ULV SB and 3000 graphics is a decent trade off (for the 11"), the 13" can get ULV SB and 3000 graphics. (w/e its not like its that much of a difference, who plays hard core games on a machine like this and has space leftover), backlit keyboard, less bezel or a black border (not happening), HD facetime (why not), and a thiner body. Sure this is thin. Even thinner would be better :)

    funny pictures of babies. funny pictures for abies
  • funny pictures for abies

  • scelzifan
    Dec 5, 11:49 AM
    I would bet by the time Apple gets done with him he will probably be broke. Assuming that is where the stolen goods are coming from, i would assume it's their property he is selling. To bad.

    funny pictures of babies. Funny Pictures of Babies
  • Funny Pictures of Babies

  • URFloorMatt
    Mar 28, 09:02 AM
    Hmm. If this does in fact mean a fall iPhone 5 release instead of a June release, then I would think that has to put LTE back in play for the iPhone 5.

    One would have to assume that this means Apple plans to lead off its fall iPod event with the iPhone starting this year.


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  • funny baby quotes

  • tazinlwfl
    May 2, 04:37 PM
    Seriously, can we all take a step back and just breathe for a second? Is the thickness of a phone really that big of a deal? And I thought a re-release of a different color was already inane enough...

    Um... yes.

    Having two different colors means nothing, but now you're dealing with two different thicknesses, plus two different button layouts, meaning a total of 4 DIFFERENT versions of supposedly the same phone, all requiring their own slightly varied case (seeing how a lot of cases designed for the black iPhone 4 will not fit the thicker white models - and how some need to be changed for CDMA and GSM versions).

    If a QC issue is getting out this much, then it must be one hell of a QC issue.

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  • wallpapers for abies. Funny

  • yahoohoo
    Apr 24, 09:46 AM
    Does anyone here know how to clear the recent history in Adobe illustrator?


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  • funny and cool abies!

  • UnixMac
    Oct 4, 04:49 PM
    Actually I don't think I said that MY observation was my reason for this fact. But rather the observation of my co-workers (computer engineers) at a very large multi-national company that uses windows 2000 for it's medium sized computer networks. They are now in the process of switching to IBM Unix and Solaris (where possible). The effectively have "fired" windows, except for the front office PC's.

    As for OS X, I would say that every one I know with OS X (about 8 or so people) have also had a similar experience to mine, which while anecdotal, is still a damn good record.

    I will defend your view that Intel's platform is ahead of the Mac (for now, it is), but windows is not the same caliber of OS, as Unix.

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  • 12 from funny babies pics

  • Hattig
    Oct 10, 11:39 AM
    Is this an extra MacBook model in addition to the other MacBooks?

    If so, then maybe it is a MacBook with discrete graphics, but still 13.3". I.e., something between the MacBook and the MacBook Pro. It might be replacing the current Black MacBook which isn't a great deal for what you get.

    Otherwise it's a redesign to address all the current MacBook issues, and will be used across the range.

    Merom may come to the original MacBook sooner, but it's pretty much guaranteed that this MacBook will utilise it.


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  • Funny Picture of Babies

  • lolnick
    Mar 11, 03:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Northpark isn't doing any cards

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  • Funny Babies Wallpapers For

  • Gosh
    Oct 27, 05:32 PM
    Can somebody explain to me why anybody would want to pay $100/year for an email account with only 1 GB of storage?

    Because you love Apple and want them to be really profitable and design more wonderful stuff and take over the world and you can say you were ahead of the curve rather than having to explain why a computer needn't crash! Or maybe you just got $100 to burn and you could do worse!;)


    funny pictures of babies. Funny pictures of abies
  • Funny pictures of abies

  • barkomatic
    Apr 23, 09:26 AM
    Trump is very rich but the scale of his wealth is insignificant compared to the expenses of the U.S. government. It's not as if he can reach into his pocket and pull out trillions of dollars and pay off the debt.

    Sadly, I think he does have a small chance of getting elected. He is a celebrity and Americans assign virtue and competence to celebrity for some sick reason.

    I agree with the other posters that he is purely a self promoter.

    funny pictures of babies. Funny Babies
  • Funny Babies

  • Michael73
    Apr 12, 01:57 PM
    Outlook still lacks CalDav support and relies on Sync Services which Apple is discontinuing May 5th.

    Sorry, but FAIL. :(


    funny pictures of babies. Funny pictures of abies
  • Funny pictures of abies

  • Eraserhead
    Apr 9, 04:00 AM
    Source for the quote?

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  • funny nascar baby abies

  • Xian Zhu Xuande
    Apr 5, 10:32 AM
    It's not ready for the masses yet, but if you know even the slightest about tech (in its use, not in more technical aspects), it *really* is a superior device at the moment.
    How does knowing something about tech make it a superior device? Are you basing it on something like a feature list? It is a highly inferior device because it is an inferior means of accomplishing the vast majority of tablet-related tasks as compared to the iPad. I'm not knocking Android by any means—it will continue to evolve and tablet offerings will improve—but in the tablet world it trails a considerable distance behind iOS and that is what matters most.

    CR is obsolete.
    By no means. They're just struggling to evolve with the products they review. I agree that they're poorly suited to review some of these more technical devices and I think their methodology renders many such reviews released by them fairly useless, but they serve a valuable purpose, it would be a shame to see this type of service go away, and I can't see how they've become obsolete to many folks out there.


    funny pictures of babies. Funny Babies
  • Funny Babies

  • xlii
    May 5, 04:13 PM
    Microsoft and their ad campaigns are so dumb. Instead of trying to convince people to buy a pc instead of a mac they should be trying to sell Microsoft software to Mac owners.

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  • abies are hilarious,funny

  • pmz
    Oct 6, 05:15 PM
    I'd be very happy if my iPhone were 4 or 4.5 "


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  • funny pictures for abies.

  • kresh
    Oct 17, 12:16 AM (

    edit: url for Delaware search:

    2nd Edit: The attorny of record is Correspondent
    James Johnston (Attorney of record)

    WILMINGTON, DE 19801

    I wonder what would happen if I called this guy tomorrow and said "Hey James this is Mike Williams from Apple's legal dept. I have a couple of addendums I need to fax over for Ocean Telecom but I've mis-placed your fax number, can you give it to me? I need these filed this week!"

    He either says:

    1) Duh, do what


    2) Sure, the number is blah blah blah

    funny pictures of babies. Funny
  • Funny

  • EJBasile
    Sep 14, 07:52 PM
    I think everyone has really covered the bases here.

    I've actually never had surgery.

    Just as the anesthesiologist to make sure he gives you enough anesthesia. There have been cases were patients are awake during the surgeries, but unable to move. It actually happens more than you would think its just that it usually for a very short period of time and you won't remember it if it does happen. Only in rare cases will you ever remember it. Some doctors do use brain activity monitors to make sure the patient isn't awake, but they are very expensive electronics.

    I'm sure that wasn't really helpful, DON'T worry about it though. It won't happen to you, and if it does, you'll never know it did.

    I wish you the best of luck in surgery. You'll do fine. If your really worried, do something you enjoy to get your mind off of it.

    funny pictures of babies. funny pics of abies.
  • funny pics of abies.

  • rovex
    Apr 27, 07:19 AM
    He's better than the McCain would have been in most things, but on a whole he gives in to the Republicans way too much. He passed their healthcare plan instead of one that would actually work, kept Guantanamo open, and as far as "National Security" goes he's about the same as Bush. So basically, he was the best of the two choices, but still not very good.

    "yes he can" lie.

    Obama is a joke. False hope and the naive people didn't think so.

    Trump's hair is seriously the mojo. Love it.

    Mar 26, 04:04 PM
    I really don't think it's an iPad. Given how it appears to be a bright and sunny day and how much light can be seen reflecting off of most other surfaces, the "iPad's" surface seems too matte.

    iPad case?

    May 5, 11:45 AM
    It really isn't fair to compare the MBA to a netbook as all they have in common is size. And Widnows is worth its value to over a billion users too.

    The other thing to consider is usage. Many people who use a small laptop like the MBA or those listed are not looking for a powerhouse of a computer. Just a tool to surf, do some email or document creation. In that case a netbook is perfectly suited. Beside why spend > 1,000 when you can spend 300 that provides that level of functionality.

    I want to point out that I prefer OSX, and buy Macs (and have built a hackintosh). I'm not some anti-apple troll or anyhting.

    I base my purchase decisions on what fits my needs the best. There's a number of blind fanboy posts that knock anything thats non apple.

    Other computer makers produce good products and windows itself is a good OS. Just because it doesn't have that apple logo means its crap

    Oct 26, 07:49 PM
    ...but no associated storage increase.

    That's going to make a lot of people on this forum unhappy

    Mar 26, 04:05 PM
    Ya, actually one of the first things that popped into my mind about this is that it was planned to help both companies images and relationship seem better in the press!

    Judging by the body language I'd venture to guess whatever it was they were talking about Jobs had the upper hand.

    Just because their demeanor is civil does not mean their exchange is.

    STEVE: Do you have any idea how badly I wanna kill you?
    ERIC: Yes.

    Sep 27, 09:33 AM
    I doubt a software update can magically change your crappy Intel 950 in to a worthwhile GPU.

    Of course not. But it could allow multi-core support in OpenGL, which would be dandy and, yes, would affect performance even on integrated graphics systems.

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