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  • scandalous sc
    Aug 19, 02:39 PM
    Even with the new update today I still couldn't log in, it wasn't until I turned off BiteSMSsb in Mobilesubstrate via SBsettings and the Facebook app finally worked!

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  • runninmac
    Sep 17, 10:51 AM
    What applestore was this? Woodland im assuming...

    I hate to say it but the situations not looking good. If I were you I wouldnt go into there for a while (2+ weeks) and then next time you go in dont make eyecontact with her. Then if she aproches you ask her.

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  • w00dyw00d
    Apr 19, 09:57 AM
    Anyone notice the lip around the edge on the front and back? Maybe will help avoid scratches when dragged on a flat surface.

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  • Mr. Retrofire
    Apr 5, 09:51 PM
    I might just be missing something here but how does this imply that Apple is putting thunderbolt in here?

    Only TB-compatible (mini-) DP-connectors have two lanes.


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  • farmboy
    Mar 25, 10:08 AM
    Amen. Some people here act like Kodak has no right to sue. Egads! Apple does it all the time also.

    Nobody said they had no right to sue. And, unlike Wiid, I don't think it's ridiculous for anyone to defend their patent rights; some parties have more merit to their cases than others but you don't know until you go through the process. Don't know who wins here, but my guess is minor cash and cross-licensing is in the future.

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  • cerote
    Mar 26, 06:21 PM
    It's one of those containers holding the bill. It's too black to be an iPad.

    Steve: "5. 5 dollar foot long."


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  • kresh
    Oct 17, 12:16 AM (

    edit: url for Delaware search:

    2nd Edit: The attorny of record is Correspondent
    James Johnston (Attorney of record)

    WILMINGTON, DE 19801

    I wonder what would happen if I called this guy tomorrow and said "Hey James this is Mike Williams from Apple's legal dept. I have a couple of addendums I need to fax over for Ocean Telecom but I've mis-placed your fax number, can you give it to me? I need these filed this week!"

    He either says:

    1) Duh, do what


    2) Sure, the number is blah blah blah

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  • jbernie
    Dec 27, 11:07 PM
    No it's not banned. They are intentionally trying to make it more difficult for you to buy it. You have to do the footwork yourself to get it. It is unprecendented for a company to want to make their product more difficult to buy.

    oh my.. poor baby... such a hard life you lead... having to actually go do something yourself, next you will tell us how you have all of your mail hand delivered to you on a silver platter and your butler or maid reads it all to you.

    Given how many members of MacRumors don't even have an Apple store in their city let alone state or country you come of as a whinger who needs sympathy when in reality you have nothing to complain about in the first place.

    Maybe the truth is you are complaining about losing your easy way to get iPhones through fraudulant means and selling them for a profit? I mean, why else would you suggest that AT&T is lying about fraud as potential reason for blocking online purchases in your area?

    Go take a walk, you can probably hit 5 AT&T resellers of some sort or Apple stores throwing a baseball from your front doorstep.


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  • Salty Pirate
    Apr 25, 10:07 AM
    A 15" air would be SICK:eek:

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  • cantthinkofone
    Apr 18, 11:45 AM
    You Americans got it lucky, petrol here in the UK is about �5.15 per gallon, or $8.30.

    I disagree. Europe has public transportation that is centuries ahead of the USA. Gas is $3.79 here in mid Missouri.


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  • 0815
    Apr 5, 10:45 AM
    If I would leak something, I would make sure the device is clean, the camera is in focus and there is enough light.

    Why are leaked images (almost) always such bad quality?

    High quality images would make it too easy see that it's all fake/mockup/... ... guess that's also the reason for the ugly scratched plastic cover - if the thing would be real he/she would have taken it off for a better picture.

    Macrumors: please move back to page2 or better page99 ... it's too obvious of a fake. I rather see the Wozniak comment on page1 since this has some real content.

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  • drumpat01
    Mar 11, 07:47 AM
    Hey all you Fort Worth people, thanks for coming out so early, all of us employees are very happy to see you guys care so much.


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  • SevenInchScrew
    Jun 14, 04:52 PM
    That design is just awful. Reminds me of a cheesy alienware case:
    Funny you should say that, because the company that designed the original 360 (and presumably this new redesign) is also the company that designs stuff for Alienware...

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  • twoodcc
    May 5, 11:11 AM
    Welcome grapes911 to the team :D

    thanks for joining! welcome! :)


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  • bryan85
    Jul 7, 12:03 AM
    And this is just the front�

    Yikes! Talk about a data security nightmare! :eek:

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  • ClassicFitness
    Nov 11, 07:44 AM
    I want more:D


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  • Hertog
    Nov 14, 02:24 PM
    As of today at 1800 GMT+1, Klm stated that they had preliminary talks but were no where near to closing the deal. source.

    I allready posted that, but everyone seems to be overlooking this fact (including you :P)

    So, this time in bold:
    People, one of the airlines mentoined has denied the deal, so it's not sure if it is true!

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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 19, 05:01 PM
    I must admit I am a fan of the white iPad but seen the white iPhone I rather stay with a black one any day. Maybe when they finally come out it will be better looking that what we see here. Its to bad the button is still there would like to see Apple get rid of the click mouse we have now in both the iPhone and iPad. :apple:

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  • MikeTheC
    Nov 14, 12:51 PM

    How about this (sung to the tune of "Oh Christmas Tree"):

    Oh, Macintosh, oh Macintosh!
    Think differently, forever!
    Oh, Macintosh, oh Macintosh!
    Don't stop being so clever!

    With great designs, and OS X,
    I'll sing your praises over again...


    This is cool! I like it! At least someone around here understands how to be polite and "in the spirit" of the holidays, etc.

    Oh, and to the folks here who want to throw stones at what I said...

    The "Hate America" crowd never fails to amaze me. And I'm not saying that only people who are foreigners are America-haters. We've got a lot of that hate crowd here as both natural and naturalized citizens. Please don't preach to me about the ills of slavery or of religious/social intolerance. I'm quite capable of understanding and recognizing them for what they have been, and what they are.

    By the same token, let's not forget that we who are here now, and even those who's ancestry can be traced back to before the revolution, ultimately are not indigenous, ancestrally, to this continent. The hatred and evils you so desperately want to ascribe to America were brought, lock stock and barrel, from Europe. Let's also not forget the role which African tribal leaders played in selling their own people into bondage and slavery. There is a saying: it takes two to tango.

    What's funny is how hypocritical and disingenuous some of you folks are. I point out how I don't celebrate certain holidays but respect the holidays because I respect those who celebrate them, and Justin Long's Mac character points out what ills his platform doesn't suffer, and you call us arrogant and hateful people. We're telling the truth (and a rather positive one at that) and all you can do is respond to us with disrespect and vituperative hatred! You accuse us of being intolerant, and yet you practice the very same intolerance you accuse us of!

    What's next, you're going to label us all as baby killers, murderers and rapists?

    I work in a culturally and theologically diverse workplace, yet you won't see even so much as one second of me trying to push my views (religious or otherwise) on other people, but somehow since I'm a Christian (actually, I'm a Missouri-Synod Lutheran protestant) I'm a scourge upon humanity. Talk about intolerance.

    Apr 8, 08:31 AM
    Uhm, yeah, there's also the Democrats who could've passed a new budget quite a long time ago, but were afraid of dealing with their own party.

    What's pathetic is the complete lack of common sense between the two parties. They used to know how to work together in the past. Now they can't compromise because of ideological BS. It's a Lose-Lose situation, for the people at least.

    It's time to throw the everyone out.

    You'll get no argument from me. I blame all of them. See my earlier post.

    The real absurdity is that, by and large, the pols who got us into this are the ones we are relying on getting us out.

    Sep 25, 11:28 AM
    Omg with no laptop updates, I'd like to watch as Apple's laptop sales tumble. Already the Apple Store dropped their MacBook shipping days down to 3-5 days (nobody wants it). :mad:

    Jan 7, 04:58 AM
    Has anyone else found that after installing this their iPhone battery can not get enough charge to turn on? I'm popping into  Regent Street this afternoon, but it would be useful to know if anyone else has had the same problem.

    Tried a hard reset, and it's not Jailbroken or Pwned or anything.

    UPDATE: iPhone is working again. Multiple hard resets, removing sim, unplugging seemed to do the trick.

    Apr 12, 01:04 PM
    WTF? Why does the MS Office updater force me to quit chrome ????

    Apr 17, 07:06 AM
    Interesting thought though. His rejection said it was for ridiculing public figures, but their policy rejects defamatory material. There is certainly a fine line, but the line most certainly exists. You can ridicule someone till the cows come home without engaging in defamation. The distinction is probably too difficult for anyone without extensive legal background to make on a regular basis and in a timely manner.

    Apple should just drop the defamation clause, which may be difficult for them to do to.

    I'd say Fiore flirts with that line often enough, Pulitzer winner or no. I don't know the legal technicalities, but I would think Apple would do themselves a favor by letting the lawyers figure out what's defamation and what isn't. I can't see how they could be held responsible for someone else's words, but I'm not a lawyer.

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