2011 ford mustang shelby gt500

2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
  • 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500

  • whooleytoo
    Mar 23, 02:17 PM
    It probably makes a lot of sense for Pioneer to pay the $4, as it gives them a USP. "One of the few (only?) receivers to which an iPhone/iPad can stream".

    If it becomes more widely licensed, it's no longer a USP. It's probably not worth $4 any more, and competing standards will become more common.

    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. ford mustang gt500 coupe eng
  • ford mustang gt500 coupe eng

  • MacUser5
    Apr 5, 10:35 AM
    Who cares what these idiots think? They would not recommend a phone which today has received 98% satisfaction among both AT&T & Verizon customers.

    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Shelby GT500 Mustang
  • 2011 Ford Shelby GT500 Mustang

  • Origin
    Sep 19, 05:05 PM
    i think we found our problem, this is stupid

    to install windows i had to unplug my 2 raid drives, i jsut inserted the cp disk withot installing bootcamp (can't install on raid) and after 10 secs the win xp install started

    after that i replugged the raid drives and i can now switch boot disks as with bootcamp... strange huh?

    but now this update... i mean, the ycan't expect a speeduser to just throw away his raid and reinstall to a single disk.

    and if this is not possible( raid update) the yshould clearly start stating this in their installation instructions and notes, not the small print or some hard to find support site to hide the issue

    Okay, finally I CONFIRM that the software raid used by Mac OS X is NOT compatible with the EFI upgrades :( ... too bad.

    Why ? Because i just finished to install a fresh copy of Mac OS X on my 400 Gig "DATA" drive made the upgrade with this distribution ... and it worked like a charm !

    So ...

    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 ford shelby gt500
  • 2011 ford shelby gt500

  • aristotle
    May 5, 02:57 PM
    Canada, you're screwed. :(
    Oh please. If the NDP had got in then Canada would be royally screwed. The NDP has a poor record in a number of provinces of running the provincial governments into deep deficits and scaring away businesses.

    I would take the opinion piece from someone with the Toronto Star with a little bit of salt. They are like the Huffington Post of Canada or a left leaning Canadian version of those British tabloids that they try to pass for "newspapers" in England.


    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Shelby GT500 Front
  • 2011 Ford Shelby GT500 Front

  • trainguy77
    May 24, 09:59 PM
    we are in 21 place.

    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Shelby GT500 engine
  • 2011 Ford Shelby GT500 engine

  • iZaid
    Oct 19, 01:11 PM
    is anyone going to the mac expo on friday? or just the apple store, i feel like getting an imac but i dont know if i should.:confused::confused::confused:


    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Shelby GT500
  • 2011 Ford Shelby GT500

  • robbieduncan
    Mar 28, 04:51 PM
    ^^^^ This.

    Is not true: a 50mm EF lens and a 50mm EF-s lens will have the same focal length and field of view on a crop camera.

    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
  • 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500

  • Eduardo1971
    Mar 28, 08:24 AM
    Maybe I'm reading too much into it but it is sad the Mac OS is mentioned after iOS.:(


    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
  • 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500

  • MattSepeta
    Mar 29, 11:37 AM
    oh man.. why does this thread have 3 pages???

    Easy answer in a paragraph: EF lenses are designed with a full-frame camera in mind. EF-S lenses are designed with a Crop (1.6x) camera in mind.

    Differences between them? Very little. Example: I used my 11-16 EF-S on my 5DII until I got a EF UWA. Drawback? I could only use the 16mm of it if I wanted to avoid a wild vignette, because the EF-S lens was designed for a CROP camera, one that would crop the outer edges of the image, thus eliminating the vignette.

    If you put a hypothetical 50mm EF-S and a 50mm EF on any given camera, assuming the mounts worked, the image would be exactly the same.

    however, if you put a 50mm EF (which work on both FF and crop cameras) on a FF vs a crop camera, the images will be different. On the FF you will have a true 50mm FOv, whereas on the crop camera (1.6x) you will have essentially an 80mm FOV, because the crop camera crops the image to result at 1.6x the size of a FF cameras FOV.

    something like that.

    So: The lenses are not any different really.

    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby
  • 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby

  • Apple Corps
    Feb 26, 02:14 PM
    You are unwise to choose a side in a fight where neither parties give a rat's ass about you. It's not liberalism or conservatism that has failed to do anything. It's both. Our government is at a standstill.

    But I know they need their vacation time. And of course, they need their pensions even if they only serve one term. It's a lot of hard work accomplishing nothing and we owe them so much.

    Very well said - the absurd pension benefits they get for so little time is a glaring example of the abuse of power that our elected parasites exhibit.


    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
  • 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500

  • erck24
    Apr 25, 10:43 PM
    It worked :) thanks a bunch for putting an end to my mac-less world

    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
  • 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500

  • Sun Baked
    Sep 16, 07:35 AM
    Originally posted by fragiledreams
    Please stop the stability ************. We are not living in the age of windows 95 any more. Some of you guys live with illusions.

    But sometimes fantasy can be so much better than reality.

    And if you deviate too much, the drugs they'll give you in the looney bin will really warp your mind.


    Note: the above post has no basis in reality. But for those that have always used Apples, sometimes it's really hard to think like a PC user without drugs.


    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
  • 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500

  • Dave Braine
    Apr 30, 03:34 PM
    No matter what the quality/resolution of the source video, a dvd will not match it:

    Don't know about you audio problem, I suggest you just go through your project and reset the volume levels.

    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Shelby GT500 quot;skinny
  • 2011 Shelby GT500 quot;skinny

  • Darwin
    Apr 2, 05:28 PM
    I have been using Pages and its not that bad

    I haved used Word for ages and have since been testing out Pages to see out well it works out

    So far I agree that some things need tweaking but apart from that its not bad at all


    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
  • 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500

  • roadbloc
    Dec 21, 05:44 AM
    Not at all. As I said, I have no inclination for either Joe or RATM, or most chart music in general to be honest. I just thought the 'campaign' was pathetic, and still do.

    It will be interesting to see what gets played more on the radio over the next week. I have a feeling it won't be RATM, which will indicate how pathetic and meaningless this whole 'campaign' has been. This is what I have been getting at all along. Someone will need to let me know though as I don't listen to the radio much either.

    Oh... grow up would you. Don't take your bat and ball home. It's a bit of fun, a bit of a chuckle, a bit of rebellion over the xfactor. Just because RATM have won, doesn't mean that the xfactor is going to be axed and Simon Cowell is going back to his Mr Blobby days.

    If anything, this has helped the music industry, the thought of actually rebelling against the conveyer belt "machine" being the xfactor has actually inspired people to buy music, getting more people interested in the competition and reducing music piracy. People have supported who they want to win by buying the songs, unlike before, where a few thousand people would buy Joe's song, and the xfactor would win. If anything, Simon Cowell should be happy that there has been an interest in his and RATM's song.

    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
  • 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500

  • Grimace
    Sep 19, 04:43 PM
    I unplugged everything and that made it work.

    Network Cable
    USB devices (3)
    Firewire400 (1)
    Firewire800 (1)

    I didn't think to unplug them one at a time to control for where the problem was. Oh well. If your drives comes out and snaps back in right away without updating the firmware. Remove all devices before rebooting.


    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
  • 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500

    May 1, 06:33 PM
    Is it normal for it to take 45 minutes to export a 9-minute video via quicktime? I'm working off a desktop OSX and am a total novice at movie making.

    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2010 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
  • 2010 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500

  • EricNau
    Nov 11, 02:25 AM
    Why did they replace Justin Long in these ads? ...I could have sworn he spoke Japanese. ;) :p

    2011 ford mustang shelby gt500. 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500
  • 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500

  • Cerano
    Apr 23, 10:00 AM
    Or maybe people who simply prefer the 320 over the 3000?

    I like to do some light gaming on-the-go, and while I have my M11x for that, I mostly carry around my Air now.

    Before you tell me that the 3000 isn't as bad as I make it out to be, I have a 2011 13" Pro (i7-2.7/4/HD3000). CODMW2 on Medium settings on that, I can barely eke out 20fps while I can get 30 on my Air (although I did slightly OC the 320M).
    nice and the new MBA version of the HD IGP will be even lower clocked and the slower processor will only make it worse

    Jan 4, 10:15 AM
    Ok, but when a road changes and you don't have the newest map then what are you doing? Manually downloading is what.

    I'd rather it be an automatic process.

    Both methods have drawbacks: "Not always available" vs. "Not always current."
    Given that I've never had a problem with availability, I'm actually interested in an app that promises to stay current without my having to download maps manually ahead of time.

    Every situation is different, granted, but a re-route due to road change is so much less likely to occur than a traffic congestion re-route or other spur of the moment situation. If you're not in a 3G area, forget it. I'll take my chances with an "outdated" map than I will with not being able to quickly access any map at all every time.

    Sep 17, 10:21 PM
    One day, just rush into the store and shout "I Love You!". That should get her attention.

    Yeah... and get beat down or arrested for stalking. lol. :D

    Apr 4, 01:59 PM
    The Laffer Curve is often referenced, but you're correct about it's actual meaning. Some conservatives have taken the Curve to mean that lowering taxes will always bring about more revenue. Something this article is trying to address.
    Thing about the Laffer curve is that there was/is no research or data to back it up. Arthur Laffer pulled it out of a dark place and scribbled it down on a cocktail napkin. Its actual shape may have no actual correlation to the smooth bell we always see, it is all fiction because no one has tried to demonstrate its validity or accuracy.
    In the short-term, lowering taxes just takes money from the state purse and does not drive new economic development. In the mid-term and long-term, lower taxes may encourage growth, but there's not a direct connection between taxation and economic development.

    I believe I have seen it suggested somewhere that raising taxes puts pressure on business, which may have the effect of stimulating growth by forcing the businesses to make up the lost revenue (ramping up). What effect government policy has on the economy is not clear because the economy is made up of a mass of Brownian particles that move in unpredictable and befuddling ways. And the factors that affect macroeconomics are themselves in constant flux, so the thing that (seemed to) work last time could have a disastrous impact next time around.

    But the issue that troubles me is growth. The health of the economy is always measured by the GDP growth rate: the higher the better. That seems like folly, and history seems to support that. The more vodka, the worse the hangover. The faster you drive, the worse the crash. But even that analogy fails, because economic growth is a multi-faceted sum that can look good but not actually be reflecting positive change if the gains are not in areas that lead to ongoing stability and progress.

    Apr 5, 05:47 PM
    The iPad2 is so popular it is even sold out in the afterlife!!


    Sep 14, 08:00 PM
    when i had my surgery when i was i think 7 i remember throwing up a a lot and i couldn't hold down Tylenol

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