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  • t0rr3s
    Feb 18, 09:42 PM
    Damn I'm thinner than uncle Steve. I should have died a long time ago:D Better pack my stuff:p

    Looks like everybody wants to kill Steve, guess what? In the next keynote instead of macbooks Steve is going to announce:

    "Once again I'm still a live."

    Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, iLive 4(eva)


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  • shigzeo
    Nov 12, 10:36 PM
    今日は is actually "Konnichiwa" The は is pronounced わ in this case. I tought at a highschool in Japan for two years, and even the native students often wrote it incorrectly. 今日は and こんにちは are ok, こんにちわ is wrong.

    今日は = "kyou ha" = "today is"
    今日は = "konnnichiha" = "hello"


    i also study in japan, and have never seen it that way as conversation, maybe only sometime in newspaper... but who am i to say? i'm no schoolkid, just a uni student...

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  • redgaz26
    Jul 7, 06:12 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)

    any one going to o2 in Scarborough ?
    I'm down here on holiday and went in today. They said I could go in in and upgrade. Be warned the signal is crap down here so don't bother waiting in line. Hope that doesn't put anyone off!!!!!!!

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  • WannaGoMac
    Apr 5, 04:52 PM
    Yay! More cash from adapters for apple!


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  • appleguy
    Jan 6, 08:00 PM
    something I noticed its also gone through my address book and linked people to facebook accounts I dont have as friends (on facebook)
    some of them are way wrong ie some I know they dont have facebook but its added someone with the same name

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  • Ja Di ksw
    Nov 14, 01:11 PM
    Does anyone know if the new Holiday Justin Long commercials will be advertised? If I remember correctly, the Will Ferrell ones were just online and not on any TV. At least not that I saw.

    While I do enjoy debate (not argument) on religion, can we please move it out of this thread? I've created a new one where you can move the discussion to, if you would be so kind:



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  • Dooger
    Mar 22, 06:19 AM
    I bet my students can't wait to run products like AutoCad, Final Cut Pro, Logic, Sonar and Visual Studio, on the ipad. They'll be so excited I'm sure.

    It's just a glorified web slate and note taker. By no means bad but I don't see any students where I work, or staff for that matter, rushing to get one. We may buy one or two for R&D.

    I completely agree. It's probably being aimed at the computing illiterate or perhaps commuters but in its current form with an iPhone OS, it's just not powerful or versatile enough for the vast majority of students.

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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 19, 05:01 PM
    I must admit I am a fan of the white iPad but seen the white iPhone I rather stay with a black one any day. Maybe when they finally come out it will be better looking that what we see here. Its to bad the button is still there would like to see Apple get rid of the click mouse we have now in both the iPhone and iPad. :apple:


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  • tbobmccoy
    Mar 24, 05:39 PM
    It's a great deal; can I hire someone to convince my wife I need an iPad? Nothing I can say will convince her otherwise ;)

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 12, 12:41 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/12/microsoft-releases-office-for-mac-2011-service-pack-1/)



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  • Bk-Sebastian
    Jun 10, 12:16 PM
    what you non AT&T people don't seem to understand is that your carrier has cheap rates because it has less subscribers and less popular devices...if and when iPhone comes to Teen-Mobile or sprint you will see those unlimited data plans disappear and tiered data in it's place

    Gotta agree. Once these companies experience data usage from iPhone owners they'll realize tiered plans make more sense. AT&T had unlimited txt plans pre-iPhone too.

    Also how does an analyst's note count as true rumor anyway. These guys are always wrong. They know jack. If it was up to them iPhone 4 would have come out in 2009 and my iPad would be baking cookies right now.

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  • Small White Car
    Nov 17, 03:34 PM
    It's always depressing to see someone else succeed at such an obvious idea. Maybe next time...


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  • Full of Win
    Feb 18, 08:35 PM
    He has said before that he dresses the way he does because he doesn't give a **** what anyone thinks about him.

    I think it is very telling for Microsoft that they weren't represented there. You had Yahoo!, Cisco Systems, Twitter
    Oracle, NetFlix, Apple, Genentech, Google, The Westly Group, and Facebook.

    Its all about respect for the office. The others are wearing jackets and/or button-up shirts. Just because you don't give a ____ does not mean you have to be disrespectful and show your lack of class.

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 20, 11:11 AM
    thanks for welcoming me. i had a windows box running SETI all day but saw that Macrumors had a folding@home team so decided to join in. i have a question though, does having a dedicated GPU help out alot? Right the computer only has integrated graphics.

    welcome to the team and thanks for joining!

    as for a dedicated GPU, it depends. you can run a GPU folding client, which will use your video card for folding, and you can still run a CPU client also. right now, nvidia cards work much better for folding.

    what setup do you have now?


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  • fourthtunz
    Sep 15, 07:55 PM
    OS X is great, but if I can render something in 1/3 the time for 1/3 the price, what do you think I'm gonna choose? [/B][/QUOTE]

    Sounds like your not using X.2 or a New Mac.
    Why do you waste your time on here?
    Again, find a better deal than the New dual 867 on the Pc side, I'll buy it.

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  • quotes@water-services.us

  • NewGenAdam
    Apr 12, 02:46 PM
    So, how do you define "racism in practice"?

    Is taking the seat next to a white over an asian racist?

    How about going to a black cashier instead of a white one?

    Hah. I like this question because it's hard. I fear my idealism can't stand up to it...

    In principle I believe that nobody should act differently towards another because of their race. That would be racist discrimination, in theory. It would be racist to choose to sit next to an asian person instead of a white person (irrespective of your motives: either as a white-hater or as a rice-chaser).

    But this would be impossible to criminalise. It would be highly impractical and frankly, whilst I disapprove of such actions, I cannot imagine a legal framework effectively punishing them. It would be utterly totalitarian.

    But at the other extreme, I'm sure we all agree it is entirely unacceptable to deny somebody a job, say, because of their ethnicity. This would be ultimately harming them for it; and when we harm others by practising our opinions against them, we breach a fundamental tenet of Western society.

    The difficulty, as always, comes in deciding on the threshold of what we tolerate, as a society. To answer that question I suppose we need to ask a few others. What constitutes harm to another? How practically can we judge when harm has been done? How easily can we punish offenders?

    I don't suppose that's really an answer. Sorry.

    I don't like the idea of living in a world where good outcomes are enforced.

    My wife's car was hit in her work's parking garage not too long ago... and the woman who hit her put a note on the car. I felt really good about this, considering how many times I've been hit-and-run in the past. Until I noticed the big security camera pointed right at the space.

    I didn't feel good anymore. I don't know if the woman left the note because she's a good person who did the right thing, or if she did it because she thought she might have been caught on camera.

    I want to see racist people being racist and good people not being racist. I want to know where the line is. I don't want an overbearing nanny government forcing everyone to play nice.

    I entirely agree that genuine kindness and tolerance is far superior to its artificial counterpart. When something is fake, it's about as rewarding as making the bully apologise by everyone ganging up on him and twisting his arm. It may seem nice but its insincerity undermines its value. I guess you'd like Kant, whose categorical imperative roughly says that the moral worth of an action lies in its intent.

    But whilst utopia would be kind people acting with tolerance out of the goodness of their hearts, we don't really see this. In fact, people often harm others. This isn't great. Neither is it great to force people into acting in the interests of other people. But frankly I believe it is better to protect the vulnerable from harm than to allow the abusers their freedom. Even if that means a 'nanny state'. I'm not saying we should decapitate one who insults another. I merely believe in the principle of enforcing people not to harm others by their actions. Neither with intent nor carelessness.

    That's my idealism. Don't ask me to qualify 'harm' or propose appropriate laws against it because that would be tough...


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  • DeSnousa
    Apr 23, 04:22 AM
    Okay, I fixed it! I enter in the -advmethods in advanced and that got me one to work on straight away! Apparently this is quite a common problem, so if you're having problems with your Folding@Home, then try that tag and it'll probably work. Now I'm using my full CPU and Folding away!

    King Mook Mook

    Great to hear you fixed it up and welcome to the team. Your stats will pop up when you complete a unit (allow a few hours after).

    Great news for the team :D

    quotes about water. Water Quotes
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  • SiriusVector
    Dec 28, 09:43 AM
    This just means everyone in NYC is about to get a free iPod Tablet with lifetime 3G service and video calling. Hang in there.

    Both you, and Apple, need to wake up!! :D

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  • Edward Quotes Sigg Water

  • scirica
    Mar 11, 03:48 PM
    Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    20 In line at the Best Buy in Flower Mound. I wonder what the other Best Buys look like now that people are getting off work.

    Right now about 40 in line at Grapevine Best Buy. Might head to FloMo as that's close to home.

    Apr 26, 10:13 AM
    1.419$/Liter or 5.51$/US Gallon.

    The only place in North America where gas is ridiculously HIGH....QUEBEC. Taxes represent 30-35% of the cost of gas. *sigh* But at least our roads are smooth... Oh no wait, they are not.


    Check this out - http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/business_thebottomline/2011/04/price-at-gas-station-near-airport-shameful.html

    Oct 26, 06:18 PM
    Shows how busy it was

    We bought a macbook and printer, and as we were leaving I asked the guy serving us if Vista was in the box and he said yes:D:D:D

    Apr 18, 02:17 PM
    I would say around $50, since it has the original box. Collectors like those original boxes.

    Nov 12, 08:18 PM
    If they told you what she was saying, then you still could not understand it.


    That was a stirring reply, Eastend. And while it's true that all answers are replies, not all replies are answers.

    May 2, 03:12 PM
    Hell has frozen over or someone has jumped the sharked.

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