naomi watts in

naomi watts in. Here#39;s how Naomi describes the
  • Here#39;s how Naomi describes the

  • Cerano
    Apr 21, 10:10 AM
    Why does everybody repeat the mantra 'Ivy Bridge'? Will it make the Intel's HD 3000 perform better in some kind of mysterious magical way? Or do you expect that by the time IB is released Intel will have developed a new, presumably better, IGP? Shall we expect the same comments "Intel IGP sucks I'm gonna skip IB and wait for whatever-bridge" again next year?

    I am aware that, of all computers Apple produces, the MBA will suffer the most from advancements of technology because it is not upgradeable. So, if there are some radical improvements that IB will introduce that I might be interested in I will join the camp of people who will wait. The present 11" can't do the job I like it to, I need a faster processor but I like the form of 11" MBA.

    because yes its certain that by ivy bridge, a better igp would be available but also you can look at it from another pov wherein even a sandybridge CPU upgrade is not substantial enough

    naomi watts in. Naomi Watts has been cast
  • Naomi Watts has been cast

  • freezerburrn
    Sep 21, 04:06 AM
    Everytime I used to reset my Mac Pro it used to make a lovely little intro chime. After getting the update it doesn't seem to be making it anymore. Anyone else having this same problem?

    naomi watts in. naomi watts tits Home
  • naomi watts tits Home

  • skunk
    Apr 3, 07:07 PM
    Am I winning you over?I have no idea what you're talking about. I was responding to Ugg. :confused:

    naomi watts in. Title: Naomi Watts Type: Photo
  • Title: Naomi Watts Type: Photo

  • huntercr
    Mar 26, 09:01 PM
    ""They're going to see it all eventually so who cares how they get it." Which seemed to be about web content, said the tipster."

    How can that be interpreted about web content ? :confused:

    I think they were actually talking about downloading the Britney Spears sex tape from Bit Torrent.


    naomi watts in. Naomi Watts looked hot in
  • Naomi Watts looked hot in

  • amateurmacfreak
    Jul 10, 06:01 PM
    That's really intense. I didn't know it would garner that much dedication out of Nashville people. (I would be in Nashville getting mine, but alas, I am out of town... I would probably be at the GH Apple Store, though...)

    naomi watts in. Hollywood Actress,Naomi Watts
  • Hollywood Actress,Naomi Watts

  • Eraserhead
    Jun 1, 09:05 AM
    I still think Option 1 is superior. If a "Hardware", "Software" split was done, pages like "iPhone" and "iPhone Applications" would be split up, which isn't necessary. "iPhone" needs its own category.

    I agree, but I think sebastianlewis is right that we probably don't need to split Mac Laptop and Mac Desktop. The "mac hardware guides" category also isn't needed they can just be in the base Mac Hardware category.


    naomi watts in. Naomi Watts 400x600
  • Naomi Watts 400x600

  • BBC B 32k
    Oct 17, 05:01 PM
    Either in Regent St. on friday night or MacExpo on sat.
    Was in Apple Store last monday to get ipod touch but they had sold out. trawled london and got the last one at Micro Anvica :D

    naomi watts in. Naomi Watts wallpaper
  • Naomi Watts wallpaper

  • torbjoern
    Mar 17, 02:12 AM
    Around 15 NOK per litre (10 USD per gallon).


    naomi watts in. Naomi Watts at the Oscars
  • Naomi Watts at the Oscars

  • fragiledreams
    Sep 16, 06:53 AM
    Originally posted by solvs

    I'm just so tired of PC weenies saying Macs are all style, no substance. And like many computer users who actually use their computers, I'm torn. Speed and price, or style and stability?

    Only when Real-Time is really Real-Time, only then will I be truly happy.

    Please stop the stability ************. We are not living in the age of windows 95 any more. Some of you guys live with illusions.

    naomi watts in. Naomi Watts Photos
  • Naomi Watts Photos

  • rdowns
    Mar 26, 03:40 PM
    I thought it was higher than that.

    Don't forget the federal excise tax of 18.4%.


    naomi watts in. Naomi Watts @ Wikipedia
  • Naomi Watts @ Wikipedia

  • TheMacBookPro
    Apr 23, 09:48 AM
    I think most people that show hatred to sandy bridge CPU are owners of late 2010 MBA. Bias imo.

    Or maybe people who simply prefer the 320 over the 3000?

    I like to do some light gaming on-the-go, and while I have my M11x for that, I mostly carry around my Air now.

    Before you tell me that the 3000 isn't as bad as I make it out to be, I have a 2011 13" Pro (i7-2.7/4/HD3000). CODMW2 on Medium settings on that, I can barely eke out 20fps while I can get 30 on my Air (although I did slightly OC the 320M).

    naomi watts in. In This Photo: Naomi Watts
  • In This Photo: Naomi Watts

  • steadysignal
    Apr 22, 06:48 PM
    Normal people disappoint me.

    as well they should.

    the most interesting are the abnormal.


    naomi watts in. Naomi Watts in Red Hot Pose
  • Naomi Watts in Red Hot Pose

  • scan300
    Jul 3, 11:07 AM
    Generally, if the printer driver is written for OS 9 or below, the printer supports postscript level 2, the printer has a localtalk serial connection and it supports appletalk it will work with your SE.

    Basically all Apple Laserwriters fit this description.

    I am 90% confident of this if your SE is running system 7 or above.

    naomi watts in. 24583010 naomi watts pregnant
  • 24583010 naomi watts pregnant

  • whooleytoo
    Sep 27, 05:58 AM
    You're pretty close to nailing it there - in truth, they're still sheep and zealots, terms that imply a lack of ability to think for oneself and an over-the-top reaction when someone else makes up, or changes, their mind for them. It's the same morons, they just rush to extremes no matter what.

    Woah, woah, woah.

    First of all, the "cease and desist" letter wasn't posted here until the second page of the thread, hence all we had to go on was the other sites' reports. (And even I missed that one post until just now).

    And even having read that letter, I'm still opposed to Apple's moves and intentions here. They're still trying to trademark the word "Pod", which I think is utterly farcical.

    Never mind the delicious irony in Apple objecting to the phonetic similarity between iPod and MyPodder, when iPod was obviously chosen to leverage the phonetic similarity with a familiar word ("tripod") - could MyPodder not argue they were doing likewise? Never mind the fact that the Apple name was 'borrowed' from another company, and was the name of one of its products ("Classic") was taken verbatim from another company.


    naomi watts in. In This Photo: Naomi Watts
  • In This Photo: Naomi Watts

  • Muscleflex
    Apr 15, 07:35 AM
    never mind all this. i want to know his salary!

    naomi watts in. Naomi Watts middot; naomi watts jpg
  • Naomi Watts middot; naomi watts jpg

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 25, 10:51 AM
    I just saw that it is a free update to aperture owners.

    AWESOME!! thanks apple!


    naomi watts in. Naomi Watts Interview for Fair
  • Naomi Watts Interview for Fair

  • rdowns
    Apr 8, 10:17 AM
    How selfish and arrogant of Obama to say he'll veto any further extensions. The House already passed a 1 week extension yesterday. And now we're facing a shutdown because Obama wants to stamp his feet like a whiny child.

    These greedy left-wingers refusing to cut the fat out of the budget are going to force financial hardship on hundreds of thousands of people if there's a shut-down. They need to put their arrogance aside for a moment, and realize that the budget has to be fixed. now. $Trillions in debt? And they want to spend more on bull #$%& social programs? Talk about clueless. When you're this far in debt, you can't afford to flush more money down the toilet on controversial programs like NPR, Planned Parenthood, etc.

    The paltry few cuts they've agreed to so far, is as if I made $50k a year, spent $90k a year, had $1 million in credit card debt and thought I could fix everything by no longer going out to dinner a few times a month. What a joke. :rolleyes:

    Your rant would be pretty good if it contained any truth.

    What controversial about women health issues? No federal money is used for abortions; that's been the law of the land for quite some time. Why do the Republicans keep bringing it up? This isn't about the budget, it's about ideology.

    Both sides are disingenuous but the Republicans are much worse.

    naomi watts in. Friday night saw Naomi Watts
  • Friday night saw Naomi Watts

  • WildCowboy
    Nov 21, 04:53 PM
    I find these comments about the website interesting...I guess we care more about a flashy site than a site that just provides the information on what they do in a simple effective way....

    I take it that they are spending their money on developing the chip and not on web design. :p

    In the business world, you need to be able to make a good impression. If you have a flashy website and nothing behind it, you're going nowhere. If you have good substance but poor presentation of it, you can still succeed, but it can be a lot harder than if you've got it presented well.

    Sitting down for an hour with GoLive would provide them with a much better front door to the world. Starting a tech company is hard, but it's easier if you excel in all areas of your business. And yes, publicity is one of those areas.

    naomi watts in. Hollywood star Naomi Watts is
  • Hollywood star Naomi Watts is

  • King Cobra
    Sep 15, 02:23 PM
    I'll PM you about it, since it would move the thread well off topic.

    Full of Win
    Apr 19, 01:00 PM
    I don't think anyone doubts the machine can do the expose effect (the iPad 1 does it in Safari just fine).

    There are plenty of reasons it might have been turned down for their final switcher implementation. One, the final iOS allows a variable number of programs to remain open depending on their memory requirements. The expose implementation implies that 9 can be open. That's inconsistent UI. Two, as others have mentioned, you can't always tell the difference between apps at a glance from little screenshots. So they went with icons in the end.

    The current implementation is also inconsistent in the UI department, in that the same action and will result in two different actions.

    In some cases, a hold > jiggle > close will result in an app shutting down, and other times the same action set (hold > jiggle > close) will result in an app being deleted.

    Go Away troll!

    The current system is an embarrassment, relative to others (e.g. WebOS). Several things wrong with it, for example it does not indicate the extent that a background app is in use. In OS X, open apps are denoted with a white orb (or a triangle before 10.5), but is the same done here? No. Also, apps should be prioritized according to usage, for example if you have a GPS app running in the background drawing power, it should come up first in the system tray (and have a special look) to show it is a running process and needs to be shut down when not in use. The current system of showing apps as the same, no matter if they are in a sleep state or in a active state, and letting the user guess which is which is a failure.

    Seriously, go look at WebOS and then come back and tell me the iOS presentation is anything other that a generation or more behind the state-of-the-art.

    Aug 19, 07:14 AM
    The only people who like these ads are mac users. They make the zealots feel special and supperior which might have been the whole point. As said before, you never get customers by making fun of them. These ads only alienate POTENTIAL customers, thats not a success and its not brilliant. So far apple users are the only ones defending these ads as representing products rather than the people who use the products. If everyone else doesnt see it the same way then the ad is a failure no matter how much people argue, once the target audience misses the point then youve lost. Youll get absolutely nowhere asking "are these ads elistist?" on a mac forum, go ask it on a forum with a high number of PC users and Im sure the responses will be 100% different. Computers arent cheap, if you make fun of someone who spent a lot of money on something, something they probably like a lot, youll just make them defend themselves if you act like they made a stupid decision. I mean jeez, how is that not common sense?

    While Im sure they made a few sales with the ads (or pushed a lot of people on the edge of getting a mac back over to the PC side), they could have made MUCH better ones that didnt make fun of potential customers. HP's commercials are good examples of how to sell a computer, they show celebrities and all the things they do on their laptop. Someone new to computers is going to see that ad much more favorably over the apple ad since it actually shows why they should get a computer rather than how stupid everyone else is for not having a mac.

    The ads were well executed like usual, but the stupid idea strengthens the stereotype of apple user elitism. I think apple should try to fix that stereotype rather than keep reinforcing it. Instead of saying "hey dumbass, stop playing with calculator and get a mac" in a passive aggressive way, they could have said "pc's are cool but you might find that macs are better at a lot of things, check it out."

    I think there's a lot wrong with the above. I know plenty of people who either don't care at all about computers or don't really care for Macs (my girlfriend, for example) who find them humorous.

    MY TV Production students all think they're great advertising, technically sound, and the subtle humor (not elitist attitudes) that really convey humor to a broad crowd, even if you don't get all of the reasons why the in-jokes are there.

    As far as asking a PC user a Mac-biased question, well that's just stupid. I could riff on how it's like pro-life forum and talking about choice, etc. but I'll just leave it at this.

    Bottom line, which I think nearly everyone missed, is that they are commercials, they are silly, and no one should really take them too seriously. If Justin Long single-handedly turned you off to computing with Macs, then--I hate to say this--you are probably a d-bag.

    Oct 6, 10:00 AM
    Really? that would be interesting

    May 6, 01:20 AM
    Originally posted by markjs
    I was drawn to this forum because I am interested in computers generally and macs almost qualify.....but seriously I poked around on a mac for about an hour today, and found that some things are less intuitive (minimizing and closing windows). Also I found that some things easily accessible in windows are not accessible at all in mac OSX. I felt like the computer was "dumbed down" for me. All in all it was a computer and pefectly capable internet machine, but at least in an hour nothing even came close to winning me ove. Oh yeah it also crashed once too.

    Closing is very intuitive. You click the red close button. What's so hard about that? Same for minimize.. click the minimize button. If you honestly are having trouble with that, you're an idiot.

    Dumbed down? You have command-line access via the Terminal. It's ****ing UNIX man. That's a lot more access than Windows gives you.

    As for it crashing, you didn't say at all what version of X you were running or anything.

    Macs "almost" qualify as computers? Yeah, okay.

    Aug 14, 11:34 AM

    THEY ARE THE BEST ADS EVER!!!!:cool: :D :D :D :D :cool:

    I love the way they make windoze peecees seem like useless boxes, that just take up space in your house, and are only good for paperweights (which is very true:D )

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