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  • Beautiful Cake with Happy

  • Leia1912
    Apr 14, 10:22 PM
    Better check the latest Delta ruling -- no use of an iPod on board at any time.

    Hard to believe, but that is the statement in their magazine and they are having the flight attendents enforce it.:(
    Can you provide more information about that? There's nothing on Delta's Website that references that, including the latest security bulletins. There is the link to their press release about increased iPod integration, dated November 2006: press release here (http://news.delta.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=10453). Nor are there any iPod-related security suggestions on the TSA's website (which would be the *only* reason Delta or any airline would try to mess with personal music player usage).

    I do know you are not supposed to be using any electronic device (which would include the iPod) at take-off or landing, but having a few frequent flier tickets behind me (all earned with the help of my iPod), I just find this very strange.

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  • Belated Birthday Wishes Cake

  • Eraserhead
    Apr 13, 01:01 PM
    So if there are no objections is there any chance we could implement this?

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  • irthday, Gethin - I wish

  • lilcosco08
    Mar 26, 10:01 AM
    Already have my black preorder

    Now to wait until midnight.

    happy birthday wishes cake. Happy Birthday Wish in the
  • Happy Birthday Wish in the

  • randname
    Nov 19, 04:15 AM
    First, it would be patented material, not copyrighted material. And patent infringement, especially design patents, is really quite easy to pursue.

    Quite possibly there are no actual patents covering the design of the case (would not pass requirement for non-obviousness or inventive step, unless some exotic materials are used, for example). What they no doubt have is an industrial design right to the case, which are called design patents in the US. They might also have trademark protection on shape. And, naturally, a contract with the actual manufacturer, which might pursue the person for stealing their products, if the products are not legally the property of Apple. This would not be an option if they are produced by some third party. There may be copyrights involved, if the product is deemed to pass the "threshold of originality". Some countries have laws on good business practices, which may apply in this case.

    All in all, if it seems unlikely that a 17-year old kid could legally sell this stuff and make a bundle, it is probably true.


    happy birthday wishes cake. Best wishes
  • Best wishes

  • SevenInchScrew
    Jul 24, 09:29 AM
    ^ nice but too expensive.

    100-150 euro more for it is a lot. Retailers are already throwing deals together such as free game, or at least cheaper game plus extra controllers.

    I got the new machine with extra black controller, Pure & Lego Batman + newly released ToyStory 3 free.
    Yea, that was the older 360 Elite Spring Bundle that MS was selling. The reason they threw Pure and Lego Batman in is because those games are old. Both came out in 2008. I already own all the Lego games anyway. The other Elite bundle they were selling recently came with Halo 3: ODST and Forza 3, two games that I already own as well. So, the standard bundles that MS has been selling haven't been much use to me.

    The way I see it, with this bundle I'm getting the new $300 "S" console with an extra $60 controller and the $60 game for $380 (I had Amazon credit). So, I'm getting $40 off what it would have cost just for those items if I bought them separately, and that doesn't even take into account the unique color and graphics of the console and controllers. For a huge Halo fan, like myself, that counts for something. I think it is a good deal.

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  • sir, happy birthday. wish to

  • chisnic
    Apr 13, 08:11 AM
    Follow instructions here:

    Thanks for the link, very helpful!


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  • Cakes. happy birthday

  • Squadleader
    Apr 8, 07:45 PM
    OK, time to lead your Squad over to the PC forums.

    You will have no luck here, with your selective definition of 'Human'.

    happy birthday wishes cake. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES

  • chuckles:)
    Oct 16, 10:19 PM
    does sum1 take accountability for this stuff?

    to me these iPhone rumors sound kida like whoever said that thiss would be the worst hurricane season ever.


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  • Happy Birthday Saranya…

  • ~Shard~
    Oct 26, 01:01 PM
    I'm sure this is the first of many companies to ignore the massive PowerPC userbase out there. I wish there was something like a reverse-rosetta.

    So much for the age-old tradition of Macs having a much longer useful service life than a Windows PC, now a 2-month old PowerMac is already becoming obsolete.

    I wouldn't worry too much just yet. As I said above, just because Adobe has decided to proceed in this manner does not mean everyone else will too. I'm betting that PPC machines will still be "safe" for a few more years in this respect. And plus, for many "non-Pro" users like myself, I don't need to run the latest version of certain software, so even if the newest versions are Intel only, this won't affect me much. My Office v.X will still run fine, just as my Photoshop Elements 3, iLife 06 and Toast 7 will. They meet my needs so I don't feel a need to upgrade them at this point in time even if new versions come out (UB or not). :cool:

    happy birthday wishes cake. cake happy birthday
  • cake happy birthday

  • scirica
    Mar 11, 07:55 PM
    Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    They ran out fast at Brst Buy Flower Mound. I wanted 32g wifi and all they had was 16g white. I left empty-handed.


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  • to wish you Happy birthday

  • timmillwood
    Oct 10, 07:32 AM
    Good news? or bad news?

    What does this mean to us?

    happy birthday wishes cake. check: Happy Birthday,
  • check: Happy Birthday,

  • stridemat
    May 2, 01:22 PM
    It's just that black is slimming. ;)

    wait till you see the new horizontal stripe iPhone.


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  • Here#39;s wishing a very Happy

  • ChrisA
    Nov 11, 09:32 PM
    American Camera? Err.... I don't know any American brand that makes cameras... :rolleyes:

    Here is by far the coolest American camera company "Red" It ultra high def video but still a "camera".

    Others off the top of my head....
    Cambo -- www.cambo.com
    Horseman -- www.horsemanusa.com
    Zone VI

    THat's off the top of my head. Most of the american campanies make profesional cameras. The 1st 4 above make view camera. I can think of a half dozen more but I don't want to chace then down to see if they are still in bussines.

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  • Green Chocolate Happy Birthday

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 14, 01:47 PM
    Satan appears as an angel of light and he's got two posters hear on this thread at least, but not the other poster.


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  • happy birthday wishes quotes

  • volk
    Oct 26, 04:30 PM
    I use Audition for the same purpose. I preferred the application when it was Cool Edit, I feel Adobe have bloated it out ever so slightly. But beggars can't be choosers - It's an important tool for me.

    I've had a go with "SoundBooth", its literally the most basic editing pulled from the original Cool Edit code with a few effects pallets. Defiantly not enough for me. It runs well though, nice-ish interface, not sluggish. I personally wouldn't pay more than £30 - £40 for it, its just too basic.

    Audition has definitely suffered from the "Adobe Bloat" syndrome and I would happily move on from it, but every audio app out there is either focused on recording musicians in multitrack or simple single track editing. Soundtrack has a lovely user interface and excellent integration for video work, but can't handle the simple things radio users need.

    FWIW, I discovered today that HairerSoft is working on a pro version of Amadeus. It is only available as a beta at this point, but I have downloaded it for experimentation. Apparently, they have added multitrack support. You can learn more here: http://www.hairersoft.com/AmadeusPro/AmadeusPro.html

    I haven't had a chance to install it yet, but I am hoping it works...

    happy birthday wishes cake. all the irthday wishes.
  • all the irthday wishes.

  • daa709
    Oct 24, 06:43 PM
    How bad do you guys think the queue will be? :confused:

    The earliest I can be there is 3.30, will that be early enough for a t-shirt? :D


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  • Happy Birthday Cake Pictures

  • pengu
    Oct 26, 11:12 PM
    That's basically it. You pay the $100 because you don't want to read, learn and figure stuff out. Every Mac sold comes with enough software that you could set up your own services using your DSL or Cable Internet connection. Macs have web severs, FTP servers, email and "all the UNIX Stuff" You already have an iDisk right there on your desk that could be accessed from any computer that has a browser but it's easier for most people to pay $100 than to figure out how to make it work.

    or you pay $100 because its not just $8.25 a month. how much will it cost you in time (yours), internet access costs, electricity, potential downtime etc. to "do it yourself".

    I'm in australia, so its $129 here i think.

    however. i currently make $50/hr so, unless i can guarantee that ALL functionality provided by .Mac will take me less than 2 1/2 hours a year (ignoring the cost of electricity for a machine running 24x7) its financially better for me to pay the $129.

    and for all you google fans. fine. use it for free, but i prefer NOT to have advertising in my email thanks.

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  • Card Kid#39;s Boys Happy Birthday

  • Silverfist
    Mar 24, 04:09 PM
    Holding out until inevitable $0.99 sale...



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  • Card Kid#39;s Boys Happy Birthday

  • wackymacky
    Nov 8, 02:03 PM
    No spy chips, thank you.


    Umm. Doesn't my cellphone already have a unique identify number that it comuncates with my carrier while it is switched on and tells them where I am within the cell network. (And with the GPS chip I can be pin-pointed withing a couple of meters).

    Ummm... I wonder..... Does Apple track when ever a iPhone onwer enters a Apple Store, Or Wallmart? They have the technology.

    Mar 27, 07:46 PM
    How about a graph showing my cost per gallon over the last 2 years? This is in US dollars.

    Apr 16, 02:58 PM
    Is it me or is Apple becoming a silly caricature of its own 1984 ad?

    Mar 13, 01:04 PM
    wow, this is a NETWORK issue, not iPhone.

    the time is pushed to your phone by your carrier if it's set automatically. if it's not, then of course it's not gonna do anything or it's going to be wrong.

    i thought this was common knowledge?

    if i fly down to the west coast (i'm in the east) and restart my phone, I WILL GET THE TIME FOR THE WEST COAST

    Precisely. Not sure why so many people can't seem to figure that out.

    Mar 24, 12:34 PM
    Funny. Who would have ever thought?

    Mar 25, 01:42 AM
    that almost makes me feel bad for selling a 16gb wi-fi only for $375 last week. Oh well...i'm over it.


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