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  • Thomas Harte
    Nov 11, 06:01 AM
    Please tell me Japanese guys at least comb their hair.

    I think it varies from Japanese guy to Japanese guy.

    cars and girls bmw. Cars amp; Girls
  • Cars amp; Girls

  • Twe Foju
    Apr 24, 11:24 AM
    - Thunderbolt ( most likely )

    - Backlit Keyboard ( Unlikely )

    - AMD combo ( Chip + GPU )

    - Upgradeable Ram ( at least 6gb )

    - More SSD option ( 512 pretty pleasee )

    - Black Color MBA :D

    cars and girls bmw. mw cars and girls
  • mw cars and girls

  • tazinlwfl
    May 2, 01:07 PM
    My buddy posted this (, and I tried to tell Engadget -- they wouldn't hear it.

    Kind of ridiculous.

    cars and girls bmw. BMW is trying to get the point
  • BMW is trying to get the point

  • CEAbiscuit
    Oct 27, 08:09 AM
    I love everything I can do with .mac, and I am willing to pay the $99 bucks for iDisk, Sync , etc. But please increase the storage space. I know it's been said 100 times, but 1 gb is just a joke.


    cars and girls bmw. Car Show Girls. 2010 Bmw 5
  • Car Show Girls. 2010 Bmw 5

  • iMacZealot
    Oct 16, 06:01 PM
    NOTHING will be released until January. Looking at the buyer's guide, only two products since January 2002 have been released in November or December. The two exceptions are the 1.8 GHz Dual PowerMacG5 and the 20" iMac G4. To my understanding, no iPod line has ever been released or revised in November or December. I can see an iPhone being released at MWSF, but I doubt it as I haven't seen any evidence of it in Engadget Mobile's FCC Fridays report. True video iPod: I don't know why they'd do something like that. What's wrong with the design of the iPod with a physical wheel and all that's been used for five years?

    cars and girls bmw. If you like cars and girls
  • If you like cars and girls

  • hayesk
    Mar 28, 09:37 AM
    From that price, you can better buy a Mac and watch it in QuikTime... :)

    I could also buy groceries for three months, but I don't see what that has to do with this being a Developer conference. Seriously people, this is a developer conference, not a consumer product showcase.


    cars and girls bmw. If you like cars and girls
  • If you like cars and girls

  • HarryPot
    Apr 12, 01:03 PM
    Pages and Number are TRASH compared to Word and Excel(especially excel)

    Keynote is actually pretty good!

    I actually prefer Pages to Work. As well in Keynote vs Power Point.

    Tho I agree... Numbers is useless.

    cars and girls bmw. If you like cars and girls
  • If you like cars and girls

  • HexMonkey
    Jun 13, 06:40 PM
    I've deleted "Old Categories" and everything in it. Thanks for your many hours of work Eraserhead.

    I think the next big project might be to reorganise the Guides category by adding appropriate subcategories such as (for example) Mac Hardware Guides, Mac OS X Guides, iPod Guides etc. It's getting quite large as it is, and it might make it easier to find relevant articles.


    cars and girls bmw. If you like cars and girls
  • If you like cars and girls

  • MattSepeta
    Apr 12, 02:11 PM
    He's just speaking truth to power. It's a violent outburst caused by the man's oppression by the white majority. It's unfortunate that a woman was beat up, but we must consider the root cause - whites.

    Seriously, I had to write papers on this crap. It's pretty awesome. I took it as a lesson on how you can win any argument by changing the rules.

    Lucky for you, you got to help finance the mess that is the University system :)

    cars and girls bmw. If you like cars and girls
  • If you like cars and girls

  • stephenli
    Oct 17, 01:37 AM
    There is no application for iPhone in the Japanese trademark database.

    Apple failed to use the name "Airport" in japan, so they changed to "Airmac" at last. Even if somebody took the name already, its nothing to affect the product release but only to change the name and launch.


    cars and girls bmw. If you like cars and girls
  • If you like cars and girls

    Oct 24, 01:12 PM
    Sorry to raise a small but wavering flag here but...

    Where the hell are the upgraded MacBooks??!!! :mad:

    I apologise if there is a particular thread dealing with this, please let me know and I'll go there. But to the matter in hand - could someone shed abit of light for me as to what's happened? It seems I'm the only one who feels gutted about the MacBooks being left with NOTHING being done to them.

    Please help... I am in need of it lol

    cars and girls bmw. If you like cars and girls
  • If you like cars and girls

  • whoodie
    Mar 11, 07:05 PM
    Willow Bend is sold out of all, except for a few Verizon models.


    cars and girls bmw. If you like cars and girls
  • If you like cars and girls

  • azraq27
    Nov 21, 04:35 PM
    Here's my idea:

    Hook up that chip, and then just keep overclocking the thing... you don't have to worry about it overheating and melting, it'll just give you more battery life.

    It could go infinitely fast for infinitely long!

    There's probably something in there about conduction and efficiency and stuff, but I'll leave that to the engineers

    cars and girls bmw. If you like cars and girls
  • If you like cars and girls

  • Compufix
    Sep 21, 10:33 AM
    Can anyone confirm that the update does not make the Mac Pro noisier?

    In the past Apple has repeatedly upgraded fan speeds by these updates a couple of months AFTER all reviews had been written. I had once bought my Powerbook G4 (besides other aspects) because it was very quite. A few SMC updates later the fan was running continuously and as such probably lowering average temperatur and service return rate for Apple.

    I did the firmware, the SMC was not needed, and no, the machine is not any louder for me.


    cars and girls bmw. If you like cars and girls
  • If you like cars and girls

  • Icaras
    Mar 17, 03:38 PM
    I'm a huge Nintendo fan but I'll be skipping out on the launch of the 3DS.

    As mentioned on this thread, I do agree the launch titles suck.

    Next gen pricing also sucks. I'm not going to dish out $250 for a handheld system, sorry. Same thing with software pricing.

    I'm sure the 3D effect is awesome, but for some games, like SFIV and Rayman, I'd rather have these on my iPhone for the price of 0.99 to 4.99, despite weaker graphics and lack of 3D. An increase of 800 to 4000% pricing is just ridiculous to me. Plus, i'd rather have games digitally than worry about carrying, storing, (and possibly losing) game cards.

    cars and girls bmw. If you like cars and girls
  • If you like cars and girls

  • Scarpad
    Dec 7, 07:17 PM
    My Wife Died in May after battling the Disease for 2 and 1/2 years anyone who fights Cancer is a hero of epic proportions. My Wife, also Elizabeth met the end of her life with such optomism and dignity , Like Ms Edwards. I Know i could never could deal with it as well as they did.


    cars and girls bmw. 2010 Cars, Hot Girls And Cars,
  • 2010 Cars, Hot Girls And Cars,

  • wackymacky
    Nov 8, 02:03 PM
    No spy chips, thank you.

    Umm. Doesn't my cellphone already have a unique identify number that it comuncates with my carrier while it is switched on and tells them where I am within the cell network. (And with the GPS chip I can be pin-pointed withing a couple of meters).

    Ummm... I wonder..... Does Apple track when ever a iPhone onwer enters a Apple Store, Or Wallmart? They have the technology.

    cars and girls bmw. Over the decades BMW has
  • Over the decades BMW has

  • Ryan1524
    May 26, 03:53 PM
    Originally posted by wsteineker
    Ok, here's a nightmare for you just to illustrate the kind of headaches we're talking about. First, let me start by saying that I upgraded my Cube from OS 9.2.2 to OS X 10.1 all the way through 10.2.4 with no problems, and that I recently installed a Pioneer A05 DVD-R/RW in my Quicksilver tower without so much as a hiccup. So on to my Windows XP hell...

    wow. that sounds pretty bad. but i 'think' your experience is isolated, or at least represents only a small portion of XP users, proper XP users.

    let me tell you my story with M$ to give you the idea why i'm quite appreciative of XP.
    i started with 3.1, on to 95, 98, 2000, ME (what were they smoking), etc... i've been living on computers all my life and folowed M$'s development (or lack of - for that matter).
    my nightmares was very evident on 98. nothing worked and i had to do everything manually. good thing i was quite patient and know what i'm doing. but after 2 years of W98-SE on a P3 750, 40GB hdd and 512MB ram and 32MB Riva TNT2 (i'm always a step behind, i'm not made of money.. :p), it's staring to go bad, like a plate of food that slowly rots away. at the end, my computing experience with 98 is as follows: 1 out of 5 boot tries will succeed (not just stuck on the startup screen). 1 out of 5 of those succesfull boot ups wil allow me to use the computer, instead of crashing as soon as i move the mouse, which brings me back to trying to get the computer to start for me.

    i was sick of it and my friend easily talked me into installing XP after i persisted not to for over 3 months since release. i did a clean install after backing up my data and it worked like a charm. it's been two years now and my computer's been doing great, i only have to restart it every month or so, sometimes i can go two months without restarting. but the past couple of months, as the plate's rotting away, i have to restart every 3 days or so. to avoid a system crash. thankfully, it's just a freeze-up and no data is lost during these periodic crashes (knock on wood). other than the 3 day crash thing, it's never given me problems. so i'm quite satisfied. my appreciation might have come from using a better OS after the 98 hell, but i think XP is in itself a good OS, not the best, but good enough. for now at least. :) ;)

    cars and girls bmw. All BMW X5 models are
  • All BMW X5 models are

  • gauchogolfer
    Sep 25, 09:59 AM
    how many of us actually care much about aperture...?
    A better question is how many people at Photokina care about Aperture, and that number must surely be quite high.

    Nov 11, 07:40 AM
    I hunger for a way to download these.

    I have studied japanese for a good while...and i want these ads forever. any suggestions?

    Small White Car
    Apr 5, 09:38 AM
    You're supposed to use smilies when you're being sarcastic on the Internet.

    This is the Worldwide Web and not all readers here are native English speakers. If you don't clue others to your sarcasm, your words will often be taken at face value. You have much to learn about effective online communication.

    Thank you.

    I'm sorry you didn't understand me. I really am and didn't mean to insult you.

    But I didn't put a smiley because it wasn't really all that sarcastic. It was a pretty straighforward comment about how Macrumors posters are temperamental and sometimes hypocritical.

    Sep 15, 05:26 PM
    Originally posted by King Cobra
    At Pascack Hills, I have been on computers running NT4 and Windoze 2000, and both have *rarely* crashed on me. However, it's not common for me to see OS X crash on me. Even when I had 10.1 on my iMac 233 for a short time, it did not crash one time.

    My point is that as stable as the Windoze OS is, as you point out, OS X, simply put, is even more stable. Although there are some issues with hardware, usually, that's with upgraded hardware, the OS performs very well under the power of the G4.

    I have also heard about XP not crashing as much as the previous OSs. So I'll say it as it is: The Windoze OS is improving, but incremently closer to perfect. If an error pops up, at least explain what should be done about.

    Ok.. you're right too.... I just don't like the fact that in some threads mac people use the "crapy OS" as a point in order for example to overcome the speed differences. If you like say that you prefer better the GUI in OSX, I don't have any problem with that. But saying that it is crap, bugy or unstable is untrue to say the least.

    Apr 5, 09:02 PM
    No, it doesn't. The line-in port does not supply power for a microphone.

    The combined line-in/out jack on the newest Macs certainly DOES supply a small amount of power for the mic built into the iPhone headphones. The separate line in port on older Macs doesn't, but the headphone port does supply power (on my 2009 MBP at least). It's not the same amount of power as the mic port on PCs, but it's similar. The mic on an analogue headset designed for a PC has never worked on a Mac. The old Plaintalk mics back in the beige Mac days used to have a really long connector, so the tip would touch the power part of the socket in the Mac.

    Some people seem to want a new Dock Connector, but I think the current one is here to stay for quite a while yet. It's thin, tough, and has plenty of pins for analogue and digital data. Plus there are thousands of devices that use the Dock Connector. If Apple were to change the design, it'd likely prevent future devices from connecting to the thousands of accessories.

    The only problem I've ever had with the connector is the quality of the cable. It's awful. It's made from a kind of eco-friendly rubberised plastic, which tends to tear easily. I've had two or three cables split at the connector end; the cable plastic is much too soft.

    May 3, 06:11 PM
    Welcome MacInside_Octo1 to the team.

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